Sunday, March 18, 2007

Open Course Ware and publishing on the web

I discovered on the Open Course Ware website that they use the and I clicked on it and found it to be interesting.

‘Microsoft sucks’, says top blogger

At a “global summit” of its most-valued software developers, Microsoft repeatedly declared that it would “win” in search and other parts of its Windows Live internet strategy.

“The words are empty,” Scoble responded. “Microsoft’s internet execution sucks (on the whole). Its search sucks. Its advertising sucks. If that’s ‘in it to win’, then I don’t get it.”

He continued: “Microsoft isn’t going away. Don’t get me wrong. They have record profits, record sales, all that. But on the inter-net? Come on.

From Times Online

Friday, March 16, 2007

Index Data Masterkey is out for demo

Dataverse Network in alpha-version

This is really really big, check it out!

"Tools for Research (A Biased Review)"
(click on "brainwash" and see an interesting figure.

Commentary: Taiwan notebook players sound off on Linux

Commentary: Taiwan notebook players sound off on Linux: "OEMs, on the other hand, noted it is less costly to produce Linux-based notebooks and demand at the lower end of the market is worth developing. And while the authorization fees for Windows entry-level education OS edition in undeveloped countries are around US$40, those for Linux OS are nearly free, the OEMs noted. Therefore, the OEMs say they are optimistic about the opportunities a shift to Linux-based notebooks presents."

Open journalism

"Essentially, we're building a software platform for journalism 2.0 - open source and extensible - which we believe will bring new dimensions of creativity to news gathering."

Libraries Integrate New Tech

The operating hours of Harvard’s libraries can now be accessed by anyone with a Web-enabled mobile phone, the latest technological innovation available to patrons following the debut of a new search extension for the Firefox browser.

Read more here

British and Irish research library records usable with Zotero

Copac offers an excellent model for other data providers, self-publishers, and bloggers who wish to make their content available to Zotero. By embedding COinS tags in their library records, the Copac developers have made it possible for Zotero to automatically capture the bibliographic information contained in them.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

OpenCourseWare at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

OpenCourseWare at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health: "The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's OPENCOURSEWARE (OCW) project provides access to content of the School's most popular courses. As challenges to the world's health escalate daily, the School feels a moral imperative to provide equal and open access to information and knowledge about the obstacles to the public's health and their potential solutions."

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dell want your opinion on which GNU/Linux you prefer

Here is the link to the survey:

The Impoverished Social Scientist's Guide to Free Statistical Software and Resources

Here are some good suggestions to statistical software and some good jokes:

"Doing econometrics is like trying to learn the laws of electricity by playing the radio." - Orcutt's observation

"One problem with political science is that its laboratories are unsecured, allowing real people to roam around inside them, spitting in test tubes and fiddling with computers" - Walter Kirn

"You can see a lot, just by looking." - Yogi Berra

liveplasma music, movies, search engine and discovery engine

liveplasma music, movies, search engine and discovery engine

Try to type beatles in the search field.

UNEP: Atlas of Our Changing Environment

UNEP: Atlas of Our Changing Environment

Nice environmental atlas.

Mac Rumors: More Multitouch from Jeff Han

Mac Rumors: More Multitouch from Jeff Han

Amazing video of multi touch screen.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Et samfunn på dugnad - ITavisen

Et samfunn på dugnad - ITavisen: "Åpen kode, egenprodusert musikk og video, gratis programvare. Blir Microsoft, Hollywood og platebransjen overflødige?" Jøss, gjennomtenkt artikkel frå Itavisen. Bra!

Tories want more open source

Tories want more open source: "Let's save £600 million per year, says shadow chancellor"

Report: Linux, open source greener than Windows

Linux, open source greener than Windows
But the British report touches upon a simple fix that could also fix the environment: Use open source.

"One of the benefits frequently put forward for the use of open source software is the level of resources needed to support it. This means that for equivalent open source and Microsoft Windows systems, the open source will require less memory and a slower processor speed for the same functionality," the report said.

Industry observers quote a typical hardware refresh period for Microsoft Windows systems as three to four years; the U.K. government report cites a major unnamed U.K. manufacturing organization that quotes its hardware refresh period for Linux systems as six to eight years.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The New Science of Sharing

The New Science of Sharing: "But advances in storage, bandwidth, software, and computing power are pushing collaboration to the next level. Call it Science 2.0." - ICT Sandards, Accessibility and Self-Regulation

This blogpost from Andy Updegrove is very thoughtprovoking and important. I recommend to take your time to read it if you are interested in the future of the information society. - ICT Sandards, Accessibility and Self-Regulation: "As our dependency on ICT increases exponentially, it therefore makes sense to ask whether the continuation of this laissez-faire atmosphere will remain (even) on balance a good thing."

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Tame The Web: Libraries and Technology: Ten Tech Trends for Librarians 2007

Tame The Web: Libraries and Technology: Ten Tech Trends for Librarians 2007: "So here's this year's list, with a new name: 'Trends' instead of 'Things.' Sure it puts a finer point on it but it also recognizes the changes in my thinking about the essential duties of librarians:

Learn to Learn
Adapt to Change
Scan the Horizon

As we carry out or essential mission of service, stewardship and access, I really want folks in libraries to be able to watch the horizon for trends -- and I told the group that in Toronto: 'We can all be trendspotters. We can all watch for trends that impact not only the profession but our specfic communities and user groups.'"

Inside Google Book Search: The Bavarian State Library becomes largest non-English library partner

Inside Google Book Search: The Bavarian State Library becomes largest non-English library partner: "The Bavarian State Library becomes largest non-English library partner"

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

E-book's new chapter - 05 Mar 2007 - IT Week

E-book's new chapter - 05 Mar 2007 - IT Week: "Electronic paper display undoubtedly works. Your eyes don’t get tired from reading the screen as they do with a computer, and the iLiad is perfectly comfortable to use outside and indoors under a variety of lighting."

Friday, March 02, 2007

BBC NEWS | Technology | Push for open access to research

BBC NEWS | Technology | Push for open access to research: "Cancer patients seeking information on new treatments or parents searching for the latest on childhood development issues were often denied access to the research they indirectly fund through their taxes."