Saturday, April 30, 2005

Entertainment of Friday, 29 April 2005

Entertainment of Friday, 29 April 2005

Here is another example on the propaganda that we have been treated with for years in Norway. Mix the best and the worst to get the profit. Hope the Ghanaian people dont jump into this traps from the music industry and Microsoft.


rethink: "Freescale’s bandwidth and video efficiency (via its H.264 codec), will enable it to produce a Linux ready video conference service that fits in a phone, and uses a TV and VoIP line. This enables it to transfer to a TV screen mid-call with full pan, tilt and zoom (like a film cameraman). Its (eventual) low cost will drive mass market appeal, and encourage carrier support, and likely distribution. "

MPEG4 and H.264 in Linux mobile phones and on the desktop will make video conferences possible with four times as big pictures with much higher quality. I am looking forward to see how this is going onward.

Friday, April 29, 2005

IBM, Israel push open standards

IBM, Israel push open standards: "IBM continued its pattern of worldwide support for open standards this week with the announcement that it would collaborate with the Israeli government in providing funding and technical assistance to startup technology vendors developing Linux and Java applications."


Teknologir�det: "The Future of the Patent System

The importance of the patent system to the knowledge society seams to be increasing. In recent years the number and the protection of patents has increased markedly, and especially developments in the fields of information- and biotechnology have caused concern. For these reasons the Danish Board of Technology has set up a working group of experts from different fields of expertise to discuss the future of the patent system."

Et skoleekempel

"I løpet av tre måneder, fra februar til mai 2004, sank andelen elever med kritisk dårlig leseferdigheter fra 72 til 47 prosent.
Åtte av ti elever synes basisfagene engelsk, matte og norsk er blitt mer spennende og lærerike etter at skolen tok i bruk data på bred basis.
Evalueringen av prosjektet viser også at it-bruken har gjort skolen mer åpen og ført til bedre kommunikasjon og samarbeid mellom elever, lærere og foreldre." Computerworld

Dette er eit kraftig argument for å bruke pengar på IKT istadenfor utdanning i utviklingsland. Bruk u-hjelpspengane på it-infrastruktur som Wimax og fiber, billege pc'ar, og opplæring i GNU/Linux, så går resten av seg sjølv. Det er min spådom!

European Libraries Fight Google-ization | Europe | Deutsche Welle |

European Libraries Fight Google-ization | Europe | Deutsche Welle |: "
In a stand against a deal struck by five of the world's top libraries and Google to digitize millions of books, 19 European libraries have agreed to back a similar European project to safeguard literature."

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - Nokia med harddiskbasert mobil - Nokia med harddiskbasert mobil: "Mobilen st�tter 3G-teknologiene WCDMA og Egde, i tillegg til WLAN (802.11b/g) og Bluetooth. Den kan dekode videostr�mmer i formatene H.263, MPEG4 og Real Video 8."

"Den støtter også kopisperreteknologien Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) DRM 2.0 og har innebygd FM-radio."

Nokia er klar med både MPEG4 og OMA DRM 2.0 medan NRK er ikkje klar for denne "framtidsteknologien" seier kulturministeren. Passivitet er den perfekte strategien i denne moderne verda... Snakkar dei saman i det heile teke i denne regjeringa me har no?

Tech Wants Patent 'Trolls' Tamed

Tech Wants Patent 'Trolls' Tamed: "'As our colleague from General Motors noted, we now have a case of someone wanting to enjoin the sale of pick-up trucks because they contain a built in beer cooler that is claimed to be infringing,' Simon added."

Movilizaci�n universitaria contra las patentes de software

Movilizaci�n universitaria contra las patentes de software


Spanish universities demonstrate against software patents

Spanish universities demonstrate against software patents: "Madrid, 27 April 2005 -- In a nation-wide event to take place at noon today, students, teachers, and faculty-members across Spain will participate in anti-software-patent demonstrations to be held at their respective universities."

LinuxWorld | Patents breeding software extortion: Moglen

LinuxWorld | Patents breeding software extortion: Moglen: "'Sudden avalanches of monopoly lawyers descending on unsuspecting customer executives to warn them about the patent trouble they are about to get into if they don't pay royalties for free software has been going on at an enhanced rate for 12 months.

'The victims of such 'muggings' don't like to come forward. They don't tell the press, or us.'

Moglen said some organizations prefer to pay royalties to the monopoly rather than challenge the threats."

Why Linux is the Logical Choice for the Classroom

How to use old terrible computers in schools:

"You spend ~$600 US to buy a brand new computer from a local retailer..." ..." Now it's time to address those crusty old donated systems. You take a screwdriver and open each of the twelve computers. Within a few moments you find the hard disk and pull the wire connecting it. The hard disk has been disabled. Now you install a new network card into each system and connect them to the lab Server. You're tired, so you take a break, drink something smooth and refreshing and move on. It's been almost an hour. "
Read more at Really Linux

ZDNet : Ubuntu plans desktop raid

"Laptop computers, multimedia, educators and original equipment manufacturers are the areas which Ubuntu will target with its current and upcoming releases. Ubuntu chief technology officer Matt Zimmerman said "there will be a very big focus on laptop support [and] better support for wireless networks including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth".
Canonical founder and ex-astronaut Mark Shuttleworth launched the six-day conference with an informal keynote that emphasised the importance of targeting multimedia users as a way to gather new end-users for the distribution and crack the education market. "

See also the project Ubuntu has in education: Edubuntu

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


GROKLAW: "Companies did not cite low cost as their main reason for deploying open source, a factor usually considered one of the main reasons for open source's success. Rather, companies said open source's top benefit was the flexibility allowed by the open source licence."


"They said browsers were dead. They said open source would never penetrate the mainstream. But you've never cared much for rules, have you? And now we're blazing a trail to 50 million downloads worldwide." Spread Firefox

Ubuntu 5.04 Review

"Final verdict: Ubuntu 5.04 won't disappoint most Linux users. A lot of things "just work". I didn't find any grave problems, Ubuntu 5.04 is a worthy successor to 4.10, slicker, faster and more stable." OSNews

Ubuntu Linux: Free and Fabulous

"I'm going to just come right out and say it: I absolutely adore Ubuntu Linux 5.04 (the "Hoary Hedgehog" release, often referred to as "Hoary"). I'm now running Ubuntu on both my laptop and my desktop PCs, and I don't think I've ever been such a happy Linux user." PCWorld

Monday, April 25, 2005

An idea whose time has come: Unisys BIS on Linux system

An idea whose time has come: Unisys BIS on Linux system: "Victor Hugo, the famous French novelist, poet and dramatist of the 19th century, said that there is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come. Hugo wrote of worldly things with a feverish imagination. This thought captures well the emergence of the Linux operating system as an accepted environment for the deployment of information technology solutions to business data processing needs." Cisco

Globes [online] - Alvarion to deploy Central Africa's first WiMAX-ready network

Globes [online] - Alvarion to deploy Central Africa's first WiMAX-ready network

Pre-wimax has been in use many places in Africa for a long time, but now wimax is coming for real, that means that the cost falls sharply! This is a revolution for people living in the jungle, villages, desert and the cities! Everything will change faster than anyone could predicted.

Software patents Council debacle keeps haunting Danish minister Bendtsen

Software patents Council debacle keeps haunting Danish minister Bendtsen


Protest mot �ndsverklov - Computerworld

Protest mot �ndsverklov - Computerworld

Dette handlar IKKJE om piratkopiering og å vergje kunstnarane eller deira inntekter, det handlar kort og godt om at Microsoft og Apple vil ha lovstøtte for sine standardar for å stenge ute konkurranse. Snakk om at politikarane på stortinget er lette å lure. Det å kalle det "Mp3-loven" er totalt feil, det er ikkje dekkande overhovudet for kva dette dreiar seg om. Det er ei anti-standard lov og alt anna snakk er smarte triks for å få dette til å sjå ut som noko heilt anna. Det er enkelt å lage lova på ein måte som er fullstendig etter WIPO, WTO og Infosoc sine retningsliner utan at det skadar opne standardar.

Globes [online] - Alvarion to deploy Central Africa's first WiMAX-ready network

Globes [online] - Alvarion to deploy Central Africa's first WiMAX-ready network

Linux News: Open Source: Government Plans Decree for Compulsory Open-Source Migration

Linux News: Open Source: Government Plans Decree for Compulsory Open-Source Migration: "The draft decree, now undergoing final checks by the chief-of-staff's office, outlines compulsory migration to open-source software such as Linux and FreeBSD for operating systems, desktop applications such as word processing and statistics charts, Internet navigation and e-mail tools."

It is so positively that the government of Brazil is using their brain cells.
Perhaps it is a little disrespect from my side, but sometimes one have to be bad to be good ;-)

Sunday, April 24, 2005



TheFeature :: The Quest for a Perfect Display

TheFeature :: The Quest for a Perfect Display

Very good article about e-paper.

Main.HomePage - LibrieWiki

Main.HomePage - LibrieWiki

Welcome to SiPix Imaging, Inc.

Welcome to SiPix Imaging, Inc.

Open source developers provide 'glimmer of hope' - ZDNet UK News

Open source developers provide 'glimmer of hope' - ZDNet UK News: "'I take off my hat to these people. Linux is one of the highest quality pieces of software out there.'

There are various reasons why open source software is of better quality than proprietary software, according to Coplien. He claimed the collaborative effort of open source contributors, combined with a core group of developers, is the best way to build a secure IT system."

MP3 - Street Legal

MP3 - Street Legal

A lot of free and legal MP3 music here. Betterpropaganda is a good site.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Advarer mot "duppeditt"- monopol - Aftenposten Nettutgaven

Advarer mot "duppeditt"- monopol - Aftenposten Nettutgaven

Endeleg eit ljospunkt! Men sjekk Hannemyr sin gjennomgang av argumenta til Microsoft og Jon Bing, knakande bra:


(Bing ser ting i det store perspektivet tydelegvis, og eg seier med Keynes: "In the long run, we are all dead")

Manifest Destiny - Computerworld

Manifest Destiny - Computerworld

"My problem is that I find it equally unacceptable for any mom anywhere to be put in that position. I'm simply unable to rationalize the notion that we as Americans should consider ourselves inherently more worthy of a decent livelihood simply by virtue of the fact that we had the incalculable good fortune of being born or otherwise gaining citizenship here." Editor in Chief Computerworld

Gorbachev: IT could learn from Pope John Paul II - Computerworld

Gorbachev: IT could learn from Pope John Paul II - Computerworld: "Gorbachev: IT could learn from Pope John Paul II
Calls on wealthy nations to help the poor "

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Supercomputing for Linux: a great idea for developing countries?

Linux for distributed computing is here by ZDNet's Dana Blankenhorn -- It's called CHAOS, and it takes unused cycles from any PC on your network, then harnesses them for use by an application which needs them.It's a good example of a point made by several readers here the last few days, that adding new features to Linux simply makes Linux better, not more unwieldy. CHAOS uses [...]

See also Wired News : "Chaos received a lot of attention, and not just from the open-source community. "We were serving up to 10 gigs a month -- and Chaos is only a 6-MB image," says Latter. "We saw downloads not just from universities and research facilities, but we got government, military and even intelligence hits from all around the world.""

Bellanet and some other ICT focused NGO

Here is some links under Bellanet that shows the new focus on ICT for promoting prosperity and economic growth (sustainable development too, not forget!).

Linux notebooks by Hewlett-Packard

The notebooks are going to work 100 % with Ubuntu Linux and also other.

Ericsson truer med å flytte forskning

Sjå artikkel på

Microsoft patented emergency number 911

Link to The Register

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Monday, April 18, 2005

Lenz Blog: European Competivity

Lenz Blog: European Competivity

NewsForge | Fighting anti-Linux FUD, part 263

NewsForge | Fighting anti-Linux FUD, part 263: "During my 25 years in the personal computing industry -- as a user, developer, and journalist -- I've seen a lot of attempts by vendors to create fear, uncertainty, and doubt -- FUD -- in the minds of customers and vendors who might be considering an alternative to the vendor's solution."

FAQ 2005: What is "The Invisible Web"?

FAQ 2005: What is "The Invisible Web"?: "To better visualize this concept, let's start with some size estimates from,, Cyberatlas, and MIT. These stats are current to April 2005:

* 45 billion static web pages are publicly-available on the World Wide Web. Another estimated 5 billion static pages are available within private intranet sites
* 200 billion database-driven pages are available as dynamic database reports ('invisible web' pages)
* indexes 8.06 billion web pages."

Interesting. Is it real that it exist around 250 billion pages? I think I remember it passed 1 billion pages.

BBC NEWS | Technology | Intel reveals Wimax wireless chip

BBC NEWS | Technology | Intel reveals Wimax wireless chip: "Intel and other Wimax supporters will be hoping that the release of a chip will do for the technology what Centrino chips did for the spread of wi-fi."

Teleavisen AS - Tr�dl�st

Teleavisen AS - Tr�dl�st: "Intel lanserer mandag en WiMAX-chip som f�r en grossistpris p�45 dollar, eller 285 kroner. Datagiganten mener dette vil mer enn halvere prisene p�WiMAX-utstyr, til under 200 dollar. Det er dermed klart for et kvantesprang i tr�dl�st bredb�nd.

" - SV raser mot NRKs web-TV - SV raser mot NRKs web-TV: "Oslo (18.04.2005) - SVs kampanje for �pne standarder gj�r NRK og kulturminister Valgerd Svarstad Haugland til skyteskiver." - Mer �pen kildekode i europeiske bedrifter - Mer �pen kildekode i europeiske bedrifter: "Oslo (18.04.2005) - En fersk IDC-unders�kelse viser at europeiske bedrifter bruker stadig mer �pen-kildekode." - Internett og MP3-�konomien - Internett og MP3-�konomien: "Det er vel heller slik at politikerne – og teknologene – mangler den n�dvendige innsikt i hvilke �konomiske effekter den teknologiske utvikling skaper, og hvordan den skaper nye former for innovasjon. La meg derfor se p�MP3-saken i et helhetsperspektiv: " - Vil frigjøre staten fra Microsoft - Vil frigj�re staten fra Microsoft

Flott Meyer! Slike tiltak burde vore sett i verk for fleire år sidan, men betre seint enn aldri. Skulle likt å visst kor mange linux ekspertar ein kunne utdanna og tilsett i staten for alle lisenspengane staten har betalt til Microsoft dei siste åra?

Slashdot | Mark Shuttleworth Answers At Length

Slashdot | Mark Shuttleworth Answers At Length: "If it doesn't work utthat way, though, I'm honoured to consider it a gift back to the open source world, which played such a critical role in helping me build Thawte. So I hope it's commerce, though it may turn out to be philanthropy. Either way, it's still cheaper than going back to space, or hooking up with fast planes/boats/women, which I supposed would be Plan B."

"I get tons of people stopping me in the street in Cape Town again, but instead of asking "what's weightlessness like" they want to know about Open Source. The answer to both questions? "Liberating" :-)"

Shuttleworth is a young successful businessman, astronaut and philanthrop. He think it is more fun and cheaper to make Ubuntu than planes/boats/women :-)

Elektronisk Securitas-vakt- Aftenposten Nettutgaven

Elektronisk Securitas-vakt- Aftenposten Nettutgaven: "Filmarkivet lanserte nettutleie av norsk film. Kopisperren fra Microsoft tillater kun bruk av Windows."

PC World Norge | IT-bransjen | Linux-guru til Oslo

PC World Norge | IT-bransjen | Linux-guru til Oslo

Agencies get open source push - Breaking -

Agencies get open source push - Breaking - "The 62-page guide has been produced by the Australian Government Information Management Office. It deals with sourcing, concerns surrounding open source, preparing procurement plans and risk management.

Federal Government guidelines allow departments to use whatever software is available as long as it meets their needs and is cost-effective."

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Computer Applications in Political Science

Computer Applications in Political Science

CAA Conference

CAA Conference


SCHOOLFORGE: "Schoolforge's mission is to unify independent organizations that advocate, use, and develop open resources for primary and secondary education. Schoolforge is intended to empower member organizations to make open educational resources more effective, efficient, and ubiquitous by enhancing communication, sharing resources, and increasing the transparency of development. Schoolforge members advocate the use of open source and free software, open texts and lessons, and open curricula for the advancement of education and the betterment of humankind." - Afghan entrepreneurs find profit in technology - Mar 28, 2005 - Afghan entrepreneurs find profit in technology - Mar 28, 2005: "Microsoft is even inserting phrases of Afghanistan's two dominant languages, Dari and Pashto, into its software."

I hope Afganistan look to Brazils adoption of the free software, and not walk into the Microsoft trap.

Brazil is pressing for free software

Brazil is pressing for free software

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Gammal side som visar kor forvirra dei politiske partia var for nokre år sidan.

brev1 - RV for fri og kommunistisk IT (Her er ein artikkel frå "gamle dagar") - RV for fri og kommunistisk IT: "Skal programformuleringene her tas bokstavelig, likviderer man hele programvarebransjen. Det er umulig �forestille seg en IT-�konomi uten at noen skal betale for programvaren p�en eller annen m�te."

Akkurat som at ingen ville kjøpe grammofonplater etter at radioen vart innført...... Dette er enkel logikk som ikkje fungerar i praksis.

4 Fri programvare

4 Fri programvare: "5 Norske politiske partier

For kuriositetens skyld har vi unders�kt driftsplattformen for nettstedene til norske partier. Listen over partier er sortert alfabetisk.

Politisk parti Driftsplattform
Arbeiderpartiet Microsoft-IIS/4.0 on NT4/Windows 98
Fremskrittspartiet Microsoft-IIS/5.0 on Windows 2000
H�yre Apache/1.3.22 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux)
Kristlig folkeparti Microsoft-IIS/4.0 on NT4/Windows 98
Kystpartiet Microsoft-IIS/5.0 on Windows 2000
R�d Valgallianse Apache/1.3.19 (Unix)/FreeBSD
Senterpartiet Microsoft-IIS/5.0 on Windows 2000
Sosialistisk venstreparti Microsoft-IIS/5.0 on Windows 2000
Venstre FirstClass/6.0 on MacOS

H�yre og R�d Valgallianse bruker fri programvare som driftsplattform for sine nettsider. Sosialistisk venstreparti som ofte uttaler seg til fordel for fri programvare bruker Windows som driftsplattform."

Dette er ei gamal side. Tvilar på om Unix til RV er så "fritt", og då visar det at høgre er det partiet som var fyrst ute med Linux! Det var også høgre som sa opp statens avtale med Microsoft! Lurer på kor tilfeldig dette er, og korleis holdning dei har til patentar på programvare. Uansett, å fremje fri programvare på denne måten betyr meir for u-landa enn hundrevis av uhjelpsbudsjettene frå Krf og Sv.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Odinarkiv - A special price - just for you, my friend!

Odinarkiv - A special price - just for you, my friend!

Glitrande artikkel av Victor Norman. Slik skal det gjerast!

Tversover: Darwinistisk teknologikonkurranse og andre metaforer

Tversover: Darwinistisk teknologikonkurranse og andre metaforer

Mange interessante argumenter her. Problemet er som vanleg ikkje prinsippa, dei burde vere klare nok, men kunnskap. Det er ein høgst naturleg eigenskap ved mennesket, at når ein er usikker så vel ein passivitet, og observerar aktivt for å skaffe seg meir kunnskapar. Men når denne måten å skaffe seg kunnskapar på vert brukt til å legitimere motstand mot endring så får ein sjølvforsterkande effektar, og når attpåtil antal endringar veks nesten eksponensielt så er det raskt nokon som sit att med svarteper, gjerne dei som har betalt for heile kalaset, slik som kundar/brukarar/skattebetalerar som ikkje hadde kunnskapar om spelet.

Spør Bing om kopisperre -

Sp�r Bing om kopisperre - "Tja, forholdet mellom ytringsfrihet og opphavsrett er mye diskutert. Vernetiden er 70 �r etter utgangen av det �ret opphavsmannen d�de, og mange synes nok det er dr�yt. Men alle er enige om at uten vern ville f� brukte tid og krefter til � skape en bok eller et program: Det m� jo genereres nok midler til � dekke den investering i tid og kraft som arbeidet representerer. Minst - helst burde vi lokke om en liten ekstra genvist for s�rlig vellykkede resultater."

Eg trur Jon Bing overser sider som med 98 000 open kjeldekodeprosjekter. Denne insentivteorien er enkel og logisk, men berre delvis riktig. Overraskande at Bing kjem med slike påstandar. - Frykter ikke digitalt monopol - Frykter ikke digitalt monopol

Her er ein elendig artikkel :-)

CIO Today - - The SCO Boomerang and the Strength of Linux

CIO Today - - The SCO Boomerang and the Strength of Linux

This is a high-quality article from the famous Groklaw.

Breaking News: City of Munich picks its Linux distro

"The City of Munich has chosen to migrate its 14,000 desktops to a free Linux distribution, rather than a commercial version of the open source operating system. " ZD Net UK

Godt innlegg i

No kom eg over eit godt innlegg i ein debatt:

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Linux programmer wins legal victory | Tech News on ZDNet

Linux programmer wins legal victory | Tech News on ZDNet: "A Linux programmer has reported a legal victory in Germany in enforcing the General Public License, which governs countless projects in the free and open-source software realms."

Spanish supermarket giant chooses Red Hat Linux

Spanish supermarket giant chooses Red Hat Linux

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Opera Gets 2D With SVG (Firefox get SVG in may)

Opera Gets 2D With SVG: "The Oslo-based company announced Wednesday that its latest browser will be the first to include 'scalable vector graphics', called SVG, capable of reducing or enlarging Web pages to fit any sized screen, whether it is a cell phone or a wide-screen monitor."

Firefox will also get SVG in around may, hopefully. This is innovative open standards that will change the face on the web.

Gartner forecast good news for Linux

"Neither SCO Group's copyright claims on select Linux code nor Microsoft will be able to slow the spread of Linux in the enterprise over the next two years, an analyst for Gartner Research (Quote, Chart) said. "

Adelstein: Linux use drives innovation

""Because we use the crown jewels of open source, we can deliver fast, easy, cost-effective technology that has successfully addressed many of the information-sharing challenges that are obstacles to homeland security," Balderas said."

TechSpin: Linux Wants Brazil

"By the end of April, the Brazilian government plans to roll out the much ballyhooed program called PC Conectado, or Connected PC, aimed at helping millions of low-income Brazilians buy their first computers."
Red Herring

In many other parts of South-America, Africa, Asia, theres similar program going on in cheap pc-projects and cheap broadband connection.

DVD-Jon vil ha åpne standarder

"- Myndighetene burde kreve at staten bare kjøper programvare som implementerer åpne standarder, fortsetter Johansen, som er mest bekymret over innføringen av programvarepatenter i EU."

"Det standardiseringsarbeid som pågår internasjonalt, som f.eks. eStandard-prosjektet reflekterer her hjemme, har et stykke igjen. Vi har følgelig ikke den interoperabilitet som skal til. Det vil si, mange av de nødvendige standardene finnes, men de har ikke blitt godt nok bygget inn i de løsninger som hverdagen vår er full av. Mellomvare i sektoren har også et stykke igjen. Men alle aktører arbeider ut fra forestillingen om at dette kommer, og sterke interesser på standardiserings- og infrastrukturområdet internasjonalt arbeider for at det skal bli slik."
It-avisa ved Universitetet i Oslo

Milliardinvesteringer med liten kontroll

" spurte om han som IT-minister var fornøyd med måten digitaliseringen av helsevesenet ble gjennomført. Dette hadde Meyer åpenbart tenkt mye på, for svaret kom kontant og ble kanskje litt uvanlig ærlig fra en politiker. – Det ville være helt umulig å ikke være engasjert i dette når man er IT-minister, det er innen helse de mest umiddelbare gevinstene på IT ligger. Og jeg rister oppgitt på hodet når jeg får vite om hvordan det har fungert. Proprietære systemer, småkonger på enkelte sykehus som velger systemer uten hensyn til andre aktører og pasienter, og hundrevis av forskjellige systemer som ikke snakker sammen, lister Meyer opp. opplyser Meyer om at han ikke tar hardt i. Bare på Rikshospitalet har man i en felles portal samlet 1200 systemer, hvorav 250 har pasientdata. "

Slike feil har dei til og med unngått i USA, der til og med Microsoft er med i det opne standardprosjekter på nasjonalt plan innan helsevesenet.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Open Source Innovation

Open Source Innovation

Computerworld | Government to use open source to break lock-ins

Computerworld | Government to use open source to break lock-ins: "IT vendors pushing costly proprietary software lock-ins have been warned that feeding at the $4.2 billion IT trough of the Australian taxpayer is over and a strict and a new procurement diet for vendors will be personally enforced by the Special Minister of State, Senator Eric Abetz." - Oz government forces open-source policy - Oz government forces open-source policy: "The Australian government has come out in favour of open-source software with a strict new procurement policy.

'A Guide to Open Source Software' prepared by Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO), reveals new guidelines that state if an equal or superior open-source product adequately fits the government's needs, it will be expected to be objectively considered by public servants alongside proprietary offerings."

Linux News: News: US Government Agencies Turn to Linux

Linux News: News: US Government Agencies Turn to Linux: "Governments worldwide already have invested more than US$2 billion in Linux. More than 160 different governments worldwide use Linux programs. China and Brazil have both created their own Linux distros to distribute for negligible prices to their populations. Paris and Munich city government agencies are switching to Linux as well."

Blog This: � Open source hardware | Open Source |

Blog This: � Open source hardware | Open Source | "

Open source hardware by ZDNet's Dana Blankenhorn -- A partner in IBM's venture capital arm, Juan-Antonio Carballo, says aspects of the open source model are now migrating to hardware. (The picture is from the IEEE workshop where he made his statements.) He wasn't talking about Linux on a chip. Instead he was talking about contracts being written that allow chip makers to see the code with which chips are designed. By sharing knowledge on innovations, companies can reduce their total development costs, getting faster profits on new designs, he suggested. IBM's efforts in this direction are to be found at Power.Org, a community aimed at collaborating to create new designs around its Power Architecture. Does any of this make sense to you? Let us know what you think at TalkBack. ...


InfoWorld: China, India can lead global IT, says Chinese premier: April 11, 2005: By : APPLICATION_DEVELOPMENT : BUSINESS : DATA_MANAGEMENT : HARDWARE

InfoWorld: China, India can lead global IT, says Chinese premier: April 11, 2005: By : APPLICATION_DEVELOPMENT : BUSINESS : DATA_MANAGEMENT : HARDWARE : PROFESSIONAL_SERVICES: "BANGALORE, INDIA -- A combination of Indian software skills and Chinese hardware expertise can take both China and India to a leadership position worldwide in IT, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao said Sunday in Bangalore, India."

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Sage: a feed reader for Firefox

Sage: a feed reader for Firefox

This RSS reader for Firefox integrates with Live Bookmarks in Firefox. More and more internet sites contains a xml icon, and that makes it so much faster to follow new development on this sites. Particulary when sites are big and fast changing. I have put up the Sage icon on my toolbar. I think it is possible to import rss feed from other people too. This really makes reading news, blogs, changes on website (and more) very fast!!

Terracom Rwanda build fiber network

Terracom: "Terracom is a nationwide communications provider spanning Rwanda. We are building out a communications network second to none in the world. This network will connect Rwandese to each other and to the world. Our Fiber Network will be the largest and fastest in central Africa. The Network will span the entire country from end to end, carrying telephone, internet and TV to everyone at extremely affordable rates and with the highest quality. People from around the world come to Rwanda and are amazed at the technologies which Terracom is developing and implementing right here in Rwanda. For instance, we are the first country in Africa to implement a Passive Optical Fiber Network."

Friday, April 08, 2005

Ethiopia committed to ICT effective use on war against poverty: Meles

"He said that works on laying 10,000 kilometres of optic fiber network throughout the country and to link it up with the submarine cables at Djibouti on optic fiber has been started." Read more here.

See also: CNN

The decline of the West

"In a recent column Peter Cochrane, former chief technologist at BT (British Telecom), wrote:
At the height of the dot-com bust San Francisco police were finding over 80 cars a day with the keys left in the ignition at San Francisco airport. This was mainly down to the population of Indian and Chinese immigrant engineers and scientist going back home. Having suddenly had their employment terminated by American companies and corporations they had no choice--it was time to go home.
Having been employed for many years in Silicon Valley, they had learned about turning ideas into commercial success. They d learnt about capitalism, manufacturing, sales and marketing--and they had learnt how to network and how to manage. No surprise then that these people are now the heart of the outsourcing industry in India and the manufacturing miracle that has become China.
This is all good news for the world from the perspective of wealth redistribution, as a key element of globalization, and of course for cultural exchange. And, perhaps even, as a mechanism for the lessening of racial intolerance and the risks from future terrorism. "

Wimax The Next Disruptive Technology

"Eric Mantion, senior analyst at Scottsdale, Ariz.-based market research firm In-Stat, calls WiMax "the rebel broadband," because you can deploy it to 85 million or so homes for about $2 billion. Compare that to SBC Communications' (SBC) plans to spend $4 billion to connect 18 million homes with high-capacity fiber cable for bundled high-speed Internet, voice and television services. "

Breaking News: Ubuntu 5.04 is here!

Ubuntu is based on free software (free as in freedom!) and at the same time bleeding edge software with high stability. It comes also on only one cd, or available free (as in free beer) very quickly. Then you can easily add the software you need with just a few click. Very compatible with most of the laptops! Look at distrowatch if you wonder how popular it is!

Oslo (08.04.2005) - Er vi søvngjengere inn i et overvåkingssamfunn? spør Datatilsynet i sin tankevekkende personvernrapport.

Et annet sted skriver han: «Det er en eiendommelighet i tiden at stadig flere synes å foretrekke en falsk og fiktiv trygghet, fremfor en reell, men oversiktlig utrygghet.»
Dette fylgjer linjene til Free Software Foundation ganske så nøyaktig. Nei til pervertert bruk av teknologi på områder som teknologien ikkje høyrer heime. Ja til reell fridom i teknologibruk.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Patents for profit: dystopian visions of the new economy Becky Hogge - openDemocracy

Patents for profit: dystopian visions of the new economy Becky Hogge - openDemocracy
"The knowledge economy increasingly touches every area of life – work and pleasure, professional and personal life – in every part of the world. It is vital that decisions over its future are made in a fair, accountable and democratic way. As agencies of governance recognise the value of knowledge as any kind of commons, muscular lobbyists for a strong-IP regime, keen to commodify knowledge for the new economy, will be drawn into the fray. These agencies must arm themselves with well-researched models of how knowledge performs in a commons environment. Software is a crucial part of this new landscape."

I hope the society and the public funded scientists (that should do research for the benefit of the society) understand this early enough, because the business have already prepared for this knowledge economy for years. You don´t belive it? Here is what the "nerd" Bill Gates said as early as in 1991 (now he is one of the main speaker in World Economic Forum every year):

“The solution is patenting as much as we can. A future startup with no patents of its own will be forced to pay whatever price the giants choose to impose... Established companies have an interest in excluding future competitors.”

When the society have entered the path of the knowledge economy, theres no way back, then every denies of knowledge is acceptance of slavery, more or less..

� Lessig: A war against the freedom to innovate | Between the Lines |

� Lessig: A war against the freedom to innovate | Between the Lines | "Indeed, the lawyers and lobbyists are raking in the cash, while the various parties with something to gain or lose grapple with the digitization of everything and regulations created for a much different era."

E-Learning to Roll Through Training in 2005: A Bold New Frontier for Students and Workers : Khalsa News Network-

E-Learning to Roll Through Training in 2005: A Bold New Frontier for Students and Workers : Khalsa News Network-

Metamorphosis > News > Richard Stallman on Free BIOS

Metamorphosis > News > Richard Stallman on Free BIOS: "Stallman accused Intel that the company does not cooperate with the movement and called for a boycott of their products. He said that AMD is the most cooperative company with free software movement.

Stallman thinks that idea that free BIOS is an acute problem is not accepted from all community. Some do not think that closed source software is unethical, only that it is likely not to be as reliable. But, for the free software movement, freedom is the main issue and they have to solve this problem with or without their help."

I like Stallman`s definition of free software. He use "free" as in the word "freedom" or in "free speach", and don´t care so much for free as "free beer". It is a good thing as human to be free as long as you dont compromise other peoples freedom. Many people in the world is tired of the harrassement from the rich part of the world, and they want to be free as in "freedom", not as in "free beer".

Metamorphosis > News > Richard Stallman on Free BIOS

Metamorphosis > News > Richard Stallman on Free BIOS: "Stallman accused Intel that the company does not cooperate with the movement and called for a boycott of their products. He said that AMD is the most cooperative company with free software movement.

Stallman thinks that idea that free BIOS is an acute problem is not accepted from all community. Some do not think that closed source software is unethical, only that it is likely not to be as reliable. But, for the free software movement, freedom is the main issue and they have to solve this problem with or without their help."

I like Stallman`s definition of free software. He use "free" as in the word "freedom" or in "free speach", and don´t care so much for free as "free beer". It is a good thing as human to be free as long as you dont compromise other peoples freedom. Many people in the world is tired of the harrassement from the rich part of the world, and they want to be free as in "freedom", not as in "free beer".

Metamorphosis > News > Richard Stallman on Free BIOS

Metamorphosis > News > Richard Stallman on Free BIOS: "Stallman accused Intel that the company does not cooperate with the movement and called for a boycott of their products. He said that AMD is the most cooperative company with free software movement.

Stallman thinks that idea that free BIOS is an acute problem is not accepted from all community. Some do not think that closed source software is unethical, only that it is likely not to be as reliable. But, for the free software movement, freedom is the main issue and they have to solve this problem with or without their help."

I like Stallman`s definition of free software. He use "free" as in the word "freedom" or in "free speach", and don´t care so much for free as "free beer". It is a good thing as human to be free as long as you dont compromise other peoples freedom. Many people in the world is tired of the harrassement from the rich part of the world, and they want to be free as in "freedom", not as in "free beer".

Open source will displace outdated software companies -

Open source will displace outdated software companies - "He told attendees in a keynote that traditional vendors of enterprise software for customer relationship management (CRM) or enterprise resource planning (ERP) are too expensive and would be driven out of business by open source software."

'The traditional enterprise software model is fundamentally broken,' Augustin said.


� IBM: Vendors who fail to adapt to open source may not be around in 2010 | Between the Lines |

� IBM: Vendors who fail to adapt to open source may not be around in 2010 | Between the Lines | "In addressing the open source phenomenon and innovation, Wladawksy-Berger said that it is changing the culture of every business, and alleged that businesses that fail to adapt won't be around five years from now."

Ingrids blogg

Ingrids blogg
Hei Ingrid! Denne bloggen har fin layout.
Helsing Pål

Crossref powered by Google

WIKINDX reference managers cross continents!

"With the advent of intellectual and scholarly projects that span the continents, it can be advantageous to have an effective program that allows multiple users access to shared bibliographies. WIKINDX 2 is one such program, as it is an Internet-based bibliographic management system that allows users to search and share quotes, notes, and bibliographies. It is worth noting that this program is compatible with all operating systems." (Subscription required)

See also The Hindu (India's "national" newspaper).
See also Cornell digital publication system.

There is a lot of reference management system that is sufficient tools for the "paperbased world". But what about when you need to share fast, far away and with multiple users, together with that the references has to be linked into the document. The innovation process is going faster and faster (See also this link)

Brazil, India and China leapfrog 3G and goes for 4G (Wimax)

"Along with China, India is seen as the greatest growth opportunity for wireless communications in the coming decade. However, even as the 3G infrastructure makers jostle for position there, the year-old Indian government has made several aggressive statements of direction that point to a strategy to leapfrog 3G and move straight to broadband wireless. This approach, reflected in other major emerging markets such as Brazil, will put pressure on vendors to accelerate their adoption of WiMAX – particularly in its forthcoming mobile form – even if their attitude to the technology is ambivalent in the developed economies."

This article show that global broadband is not so far from reality in the developing world as some believe. I don't believe that every country in the world has to undergo a 250 year industrial revolution like US or Europe.

Linux tool turns your office into a supercomputer

"An Australian security firm is about to launch a clustered Linux distribution that aims to utilize the unused nightly processing power of desktop PCs."

This is an inexpensive way of solving special problems, perhaps an idea for developing countries in lack of supercomputers to industrial use?

Gartner: investvestor and invested

Analysts for the common wealth? See Informationweeks report about ownership and investoractivity in the most trusted it-analysis firm.

"But it's the individuals who invest in Silver Lake, called limited partners, who might be of most interest to Gartner clients. According to Silver Lake, they include more than 150 "leading technology executives from the top technology firms." Some of the names you might recognize: Michael Dell, Larry Ellison, and Bill Gates."

"Silver Lake's involvement might never touch Gartner's research, but it's likely to have an impact on Gartner's business. The firm has a reputation for being an active investor."

Videokonferanser reduserar reiseaktivitet til føremon for miljøet.

"- Hvis ansatte bare i regjeringskvartalet reduserer flyreisene med ti prosent året, vil det spare miljøet for 160 tonn CO2 og budsjettet for 3,2 millioner kroner, sier rådgiver Martin Standley i miljøstiftelsen Grip, som er en enhet under Miljøverndepartementet." Sjå artikkel i

Thunderbird ved UiO

Denne kritikerroste e-post klienten er valt av UiO som e-postklient.

The "problem" with the new media..

is that traditional journalism and media companies will loose. We can expect a lot of noise about how this will "threat" the democracy and cultural life in the near future.

"The problem is that the traditional media are leaving it to technology companies - like Google - and to individuals and entrepreneurs - like bloggers - to explore and innovate on the Internet. The risk is that traditional journalism will cede to such competitors both the new technology and the audience that is building there. For now, traditional media brands still control most of where audiences go online for news, but that is already beginning to change. In 2004, Google News emerged as a major new player in online news, and the audience for bloggers grew by 58% in six months, to 32 million people." see

"vlog" is coming soon, and searchable on Google

Google's mission to organize the world's information now includes your personal videos. The company has announced plans to add videos to its Google Video search. Company co-founder Larry Page said they were going to start taking content submissions from people. Expectations are such content will come as vlogs, or video blogs.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Linux News: Open Source: Researcher Assesses Open-Source Keys to Success

Linux News: Open Source: Researcher Assesses Open-Source Keys to Success: "What leads to the success of Internet-based open-source software projects and emerging 'open-content' collaborations?

Those questions, which hold the key to a new era of sharing scientific knowledge, are being explored by Charles Schweik, a researcher at the University of Massachusetts Amherst."

University has to find new answers continuously, and to reach that goal, I believe the future lays in migrating to GNU/Linux. That will make it possible to create completely new methods in most of scientific diciplines. It is obvious when one think about that today, its about 30 billion internet pages, but in just a very few years it will be perhaps 300 billion and so on. This in itself will create data, language resources, time series, information about culture that science never have seen. At the same time, the possibilities to gather and treat this information will just explode. In a few years, all the talking about migration cost to GNU/Linux, which e-mail system and so on will be out of the picture. Instead, we have to open our minds to completely new ways of performing academic research in the information age. For a rich country like Norway, the only thing that counts in research is results, not costs. Then go for Linux, and take eventually savings as a bonus.

BBC NEWS | World | Africa | Telecoms thriving in lawless Somalia

BBC NEWS | World | Africa | Telecoms thriving in lawless Somalia: "Manager Abdulkadir Hassan Ahmed says that within 1.5km of central Mogadishu, customers - mostly internet cafes - can enjoy service at 150Mb/second through a Long Reach Ethernet."

BBC NEWS | Education | Academics give lessons on blogs

BBC NEWS | Education | Academics give lessons on blogs: "Blogs are increasingly being used by academics and students."

Global voices speak through blogs

"From Tashkent, to Timbuktu, to Tegucigalpa, global blogging is on the rise and now, a group of dedicated bloggers is working to ensure that those global voices are heard. " See BBC News

Firefox has just about reached the 40 million downloads mark!

"The other surprising tidbit from Asa’s post is that Thunderbird, Firefox’s much less known free email client sibling has been downloaded over 5 million times."

Ethiopia plans internet expansion

Ethiopia may be one of the world's poorest nations but it plans to become information-rich with a massive investment in internet access.

Development and Social Goals: Balancing Aid and Development to Prevent ‘Welfare Colonialism’.

Here is an important paper written of professor Erik S. Reinert:
Paper prepared for the High-Level United Nations Development Conference
on Millennium Development Goals, New York, March 14 and 15, 2005.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Top Technology News Sponsored by Audi |

Top Technology News Sponsored by Audi |

I believe the cost with GNU/Linux could be driven down extreme, but in the developed world that point is less important than the opportunities to solve problems. Linux has an enormously potential to solve problems, and the advantage to solve problem make all this talking about cost irrelevant.

Opening doors to open source

Opening doors to open source: "There seems little doubt that the open-source movement is finally gathering the steam many people predicted for it. Market researchers at IDC say the Linux operating system, for example, is no longer a niche phenomenon." - Linux appeal grows as applications flourish - Linux appeal grows as applications flourish

This is a good analysis about the current situation.

NextNet and Afnet Launch West Africa's Largest NLOS Plug-and-Play Broadband Wireless Deployment Targeting 4 Million in Cote d'Ivoire Capital

NextNet and Afnet Launch West Africa's Largest NLOS Plug-and-Play Broadband Wireless Deployment Targeting 4 Million in Cote d'Ivoire Capital

OFDM News is a good site for learning more about the coming technology. In 2007 Intel plan to ship chips that bring the wimax to mobile phone.

AfriConnect - Home Page

AfriConnect - Home Page Another wireless broadband company in Africa.

AFNET INTERNET SERVICES -- (Quality, Low Cost, Affordable, Great Value,

AFNET INTERNET SERVICES -- (Quality, Low Cost, Affordable, Great Value,

With this small set called "Dreamnet" it is possible to connect to broadband internet up to thirty kilometer east of Abidjan in the Ivory Coast. This is the pre-wimax. When the Wimax standardization is finished, then it will be possible to start up mass production of Wimax equipment, and if the volum gets big enough, Intel hope that the equipment will go under 100 dollar. The theoretical delivery is 72 Mbit/s, but it is possible to send in up to 6 channels parallell and reach speed up to 350 Mbit/s.

It is easy to use. See

Zambia Gets Broadband Wireless

WiMax Networking News Archives
"The ISP is using equipment from NextNet in the licensed 2.6 GHz band. Initially, the offering seems to be attractive to developmental groups in Zambia. I’d go a step further than Om Malik and say that in fact broadband wireless is rather quickly making its way into underdeveloped regions. The technology is being used around the globe in places like Zambia that have poor or non-existent telecom infrastructure but can benefit from connectivity. It’s been happening for years and it seems to me that announcements of launches like this one are becoming more frequent as the available equipment becomes mature and the price for it drops."

I share this observations, I have heard about pre-wimax in Kenya and Ivory Coast.

Zambia gets fixed wireless

Om Malik on Broadband � Zambia gets fixed wireless: "Almost Broadband comes to Zambia, Africa, via fixed wireless. iConnect, an ISP has started selling 512 kbps connections using non-line of sight fixed wireless technology. Fixed wireless technologies are actually slowly making their way into non developed markets, especially in Asia, Africa and Latin America. iConnect is part of the Africonnect group, and according to some reports the early customers include health care groups, non government organizations and other developmental groups. Afrinet is using NextNet Wireless gear in the licensed 2.6Ghz frequency band."

APC - The Association for Progressive Communications

APC - The Association for Progressive Communications

Broadband in Ghana extended to Kumasi, Tema, Takoradi

APC Africa ICT Policy Monitor: "Ghana Telecom to extend broadband services to three cities

03/05/2005 (Ghanaweb) -- Accra, March 6, GNA - Ghana Telecom (GT) is to extend its Broadband Internet service to Tema, Kumasi and Takoradi by the end of the third quarter of this year."

When I was in Kumasi in October 2004, it was a lot of internet cafe`s with broadband connection. It was also a broad band connection at the KNUST University.

MIT Media Lab: $100 Laptop + Google + AMD + News corp

MIT Media Lab: $100 Laptop

See also eweek and CNN

Sunday, April 03, 2005

30 billion web pages (Jan 2004) grows with 100 000 every day

Visible versus Invisible Web: "The World Wide Web contains an estimated 30 billion web pages, comprised of HTML documents, dynamic database-driven pages, and discussion forum postings."

Novell Says Its Next Linux Desktop Will Surpass Windows

Novell Says Its Next Linux Desktop Will Surpass Windows: "'We are getting ahead of [Microsoft] Windows for the first time,' he said."

About "Beagle" and WinFS. "The Economist" has earlier talked positively about the "open source" model espesially in medicine and bioinformatics, but the magazine is sceptical to the innovative ability to this business model. The competition between Microsoft Longhorn and Linux in 2006/2007 will be a showdown. I think Linux is going into its "innovative honeymoon" in 2005 when practically all Microsoft functionality is dublicated. There are many open source project like that in this moment has 98 294 projects going with 1 046 253 registered users. A few of these should be innovative? I am quit sure, that we havent seen much about the innovative potential of an open internet and open source yet. Think about when virtually all Chinese and Indian has ten times faster broadband that the best broadband that exist in Europe and US today. Then, if it is an open and sharing structure it will be possible to release the creative potential in people. Should pen and paper be patented and licenced to the elite that is able to pay a stiff price to ensure innovations in writing? The neoclassical economic approach is in my opinion just a working hypothesis that is faster and faster thrown away after use. Especially outside the traditional markets like real estate etc. It will be more and more pilot projects in the open source manner, and some of them will succeed with new business models, like Red Hat has as a service company. In universities, open source will maybe construct a new generation of scientists. I will search for more trends in this development..

Finding Cures For Tropical Diseases: Is Open Source An Answer?

Finding Cures For Tropical Diseases: Is Open Source An Answer?: "Finding Cures For Tropical Diseases: Is Open Source An Answer?"

Shared data from archological research has been used in open source simulations. Here is an example on how open sourche data sharing can be used in medicine: "What would open-source drug discovery look like? "As with current software collaborations, we propose a website where volunteers could search and annotate shared databases. Individual pages would host tasks such as searching for new targets, finding chemicals to attack known targets, and posting data from related chemistry and biology experiments. Volunteers could use chat rooms and bulletin boards to announce discoveries and debate future research directions. Over time, the most dedicated and proficient volunteers would become leaders."

This should be more emphasised by university libraries together with open access and open standards in communication technology that probably will expand from the usual e-mail to video conferences (international research contacts).

"Triumph of the Commons - Will Open Source transform Biotech?"

"Triumph of the Commons - Will Open Source transform Biotech?"
"Car designers are very particular people. They love cars. They live cars. From nine to five, they work in the office towers of DaimlerChrysler, Toyota, VW or Ford. After work, they continue to think about cars. They continuously produce new ideas, design new car bodies, and create new engines. However, being just tiny gearwheels in the moneymaking machines of international conglomerates, most of their ideas are continually ignored and never put into action. Moreover, there are millions of car enthusiasts all over the world who would love to contribute their ideas to develop new cars. So, why not use the Internet to collect all this creative potential for one worldwide car design project – the OSCar. "

This is not only the case for car designers, its the same for computer programmers and a lot of other professionals in the society. And what is more, the self-learning is enormously, even teenagers programmers that never have taken any courses in computer science is able to hach even Pentagon. Do they striving for money, patents, glory, or just that they love to solve problems? I think the last, for example on Google, every programmers have one day in the week just for their own projects:
"All are free to pursue pet projects. The result is an engineer's dream -- but hell for planners. Some investors find the approach unsettling. "They do not sound even remotely like a fiercely competitive world-class company, [but] rather kids playing in a sandbox," says one Google investor, who plans on selling shortly after the IPO." New economic research is taking this "uneconomical" incentive systems into consideration. People is perhaps much more creative when they can focus on creativity in itself than when they are forced to be that. New business models like Google show this is not a bad idea, Google is bigger than GM and Ford!

Libraries role: "Major Projects Victoria Selects Concurrent's iHawk-Based Control Systems for The Australian Synchrotron Project

Major Projects Victoria Selects Concurrent's iHawk-Based Control Systems for The Australian Synchrotron Project: "The main application control software specified by the ASP is the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS), which is an open-source set of software tools, libraries and applications developed collaboratively by scientific organizations around the world and used to create distributed real-time control systems for scientific instruments such as particle accelerators, telescopes and other large scientific equipment."

"A synchrotron is a powerful machine (about the size of a football field), which uses beams of light a million times brighter than sunlight to probe the physical structure of materials down to the level of atoms and molecules. Synchrotrons are essential tools for research and development in many industries, including: biotechnology and drug design; advanced manufacturing; and medical research and diagnosis; as well as meeting requirements for the Australian Defence Force to extend the life of engine components and provide improved ceramic coatings in military jet engines. The Australian synchrotron will act as an essential new tool for groundbreaking scientific and industrial research."

See also Bioforge, an open source site in biotechnology.

Fuel Cell Motorcycle

Fuel Cell Works Supplemental News Page Open Source and NASA's Mars Rover Open Source and NASA's Mars Rover

If NASA can construct a Mars rover in open source project then the developing nations can construct their design of cars, tractors, motorcycle based on hydrogen fuel. I believe building safe third generation nuclear energy plants in Niger and other countries with plenty of uran would boost the production of hydrogen fuel, because the only raw material is water. Open source/Free Software, engineering and ecology could be a winning combination, also for new ways of doing business.

BBC NEWS | Technology | Iraqis get a taste for Linux

BBC NEWS | Technology | Iraqis get a taste for Linux

Rebuilding Iraq with open source/Free (as in freedom) Software?

BBC NEWS | Programmes | Click Online | Blogging from East to West

BBC NEWS | Programmes | Click Online | Blogging from East to West: "Julien Pain, of Reporters Sans Fronti�res, says: 'Blogging is a very, very important tool in terms of freedom of expression.

'Even if you don't know html or how to set up your own website, using a blog without any technical skill you can become a publisher.

'That's why it is so interesting. It is a kind of a revolution now."

BBC NEWS | Technology | Listen to the Supremes with care

BBC NEWS | Technology | Listen to the Supremes with care: "It matters in part because the US has a lot of influence over international organisations that write the wide-ranging treaties covering things like global trade and intellectual property law.

So if the Supremes go against Grokster it will not be long before WIPO, the World Intellectual Property Organisation, proposes extending the principle into international law."

If this courts result that the big companies in US win, together with the software patens in Europe, it will not take long time before extreme practising of copyright/patents/trademark policy will be adopted by WIPO and in the end in the WTO. It looks like the rich world never want to stop exploiting the third world. It is like an endless story that started with glas pearls and alcohol. In 2001, the thirty riches nation subsidised their own agricultural industry (only!) with 306 billion dollar, money that would have ended up in the third world in a free market environment. The same countries gave 50 billion dollars back to the third world in aid. It seems that this exploiting system now continues into the field of patents/copyrigth/trademarks law in an extreme manner in favor of the richest countries.

Europas historie - oversikt over alle tekstene.

Europas historie - oversikt over alle tekstene.
Flott publiseringsmetode, håpar forfattaren finn ein bra måte å tene pengar på, til dømes gjennom internettundervisning eller kanskje rettleiing over videokonferanse på nettet? Men då må Gildeskål få Wimax fyrst!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Mozilla Firefox - Live Bookmarks RSS

Mozilla Firefox - Live Bookmarks

This RSS service together with using Google News makes it much easier to follow news in topics that one think is most interesting.

50% of Venezuela Government Software will be Open Source by 2007

50% of Venezuela Government Software will be Open Source by 2007: "One of the main reasons the government is interested in switching to free software is that it wants to consolidate its technological independence and lower its vulnerability for not controlling the software it uses."

The Hindu : Business : Dishnet to launch WiMax services

The Hindu : Business : Dishnet to launch WiMax services: "BANGALORE, APRIL 1. Dishnet, the Chennai-based Internet service provider, is just 60 days away from launching wide area broadband wireless Net access across eight metros, making it the first mover in WiMax technology, the next ramp-up from today's WiFi."

Thin Is In ... Again

Thin Is In ... Again

FSF - Campaign for Free BIOS

FSF - Campaign for Free BIOS: "You can help our campaign by buying AMD CPU chips and not buying Intel, and by publishing statements about what you're doing. Likewise, buy motherboards that support free BIOS. See Supported Motherboards for information on which companies cooperate and which models and motherboards are supported."

Free Software Multimedia Threatened by Software Patents

Free Software Multimedia Threatened by Software Patents
How long are we going to get free multimedia? This MPlayer is extremely compatible, but harms possibly som "software patents" because the European commission want ICT industry as the "milking cow" for Europe (to the expenses of the developing world?).

Google Corporate Information: Our Philosophy

Google Corporate Information: Our Philosophy: "6. You can make money without doing evil."

Thats true, and Google is also supporting "free as in freedom"-software with its Google Code search engine. They are also closely cooperating with Firefox that is an open source browser.

GPL 3: On the horizon - Builder UK

GPL 3: On the horizon - Builder UK: "Releasing a new licence in 2006 or even 2007 may seem a long way off, but it's not when compared with the 100-year planning horizon of GPL creator and FSF founder Richard Stallman, Moglen said."

Richard Stallman and Eben Moglen planning in a 100 years perspective.

See also Richard Stallman on the state of GNU/Linux

Philips Paper like mobile displays in two years

Philips Paper like mobile displays in two years: "Philips Electronics, announced that it has made significant progress in strengthening its leadership position in the area of rollable displays for the mobile-device industry.current process will enable production within two years."

Hopefully Nicholas Negroponte get his non-rollable displays soon to his 100 dollar pc.

Northwest Indiana News:

Northwest Indiana News: "Details are still being worked out, but here's the MIT team's current recipe: Put the laptop on a software diet; use the freely distributed Linux operating system; design a battery capable of being recharged with a hand crank; and use newly developed 'electronic ink' or a novel rear-projected image display with a 12-inch screen.

Then, give it Wi-Fi access, and add USB ports to hook up peripheral devices.

Most importantly, take profits, sales costs and marketing expenses out of the picture."

Welcome to ICT4D's home page

Welcome to ICT4D's home page

ICT4D stands for "Information and Communication Technologies for Development"

See also:"The World Summit on the Information Society seeks to ensure that the benefits of the digital revolution in information and communication technologies are accessible to all while promoting specific advantages in areas such as e-strategies, e-commerce, e-governance, e-health, education, literacy, cultural diversity, gender equality, sustainable development and environmental protection."

Skolelinux (report from Statskonsult 2003)

Skolelinux: "Rapporten oppsummer erfaringer fra bruk av Skolelinux p� fire norske skoler. Rapporten konkluderer med at Skolelinux er velegnet for bruk i skolen, og at Skolelinux er tilpasset de ressurser og kunnskaper som finnes i skolen i dag. Rapporten viser ogs� at det er �konomisk gunstig � benytte Skolelinux som l�sning basert p� tynne klienter."

Denne rapporten er frå 2003, og Linux har utvikla seg kraftig sidan den gongen.

Skolene får bruke billigere PC-løsning - Aftenposten Nettutgaven

Skolene f�r bruke billigere PC-l�sning - Aftenposten Nettutgaven

Grønt lys for Open Source i den svenske offentlige forvaltning

Gr�nt lys for Open Source i den svenske offentlige forvaltning - Grønt lys for Linux-PC-er i staten - Gr�nt lys for Linux-PC-er i staten

"Den britiske regjeringen har konklusjonen klar"

Gmail gets phishing protection: ZDNet Australia: News: Security

Gmail gets phishing protection: ZDNet Australia: News: Security

Governments green-light Linux: ZDNet Australia: News: Software

Governments green-light Linux: ZDNet Australia: News: Software - PC-produksjon �ker drivhuseffekt - PC-produksjon �ker drivhuseffekt

Her er det mange gode poenger. Med GNU/Linux kan ein spare miljøet, bidra til utvikling i fattige land samt at brukarane av GNU/Linux lærer data på den beste måten fordi ein slepp til i sjølve operativsystemet.

Sender ein harddiskane i kontainerar til u-landa så vert det billeg frakt (kompakt), og så kan dei tunge beista av skjermar verte resirkulert eller brukt på skulene i Noreg. Flatskjermar derimot bør kunne sendast til u-landa. Dersom ein kunne få samla inn 100 000 kvart år og sendt til u-landa kunne det få stor betydning. Skole Linux er genialt, og ikkje minst ei varig løysing. - Novell pushes Linux discount to German public sector - Novell pushes Linux discount to German public sector

Can Linux be one of the methods to stretch the public expenditures? Germany has a harder pressure on the budget than Norway, but perhaps the Norwegian public expenditures will be pressed too one day.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Gmail gets 2 Gigabytes

Today 1. April Google double the storing capasity on Gmail to 2000 Megabyte, free and no advertising. In my opinion, it is definitely the best webmail I have seen.

Why is it important with information knowledge?

Thanks to Anne and Even, to librarians, I have seen a good example on how important it is to check websites.

The World Trade Organization main enemy, Attac host this site:
The World Trade Organization's real website is this:

Can you see the difference easily? If not, I recommend that you take a look at this 85 pages tutorial from University Library Berkeley.

About this tutorial:"This tutorial has been the most heavily used and linked to tutorial on web searching that exists anywhere in the world." Joe Barker, Berkeley

"Pandia has taught you the basics of Internet searching. Where do you go now? We suggest you take a look at the UC Berkeley Library's tutorial on finding information on the Internet. It is huge, up to date and gives you detailed searching instructions for all the major search services. Researchers and librarians should definitely take a look."