Saturday, April 02, 2005

Welcome to ICT4D's home page

Welcome to ICT4D's home page

ICT4D stands for "Information and Communication Technologies for Development"

See also:"The World Summit on the Information Society seeks to ensure that the benefits of the digital revolution in information and communication technologies are accessible to all while promoting specific advantages in areas such as e-strategies, e-commerce, e-governance, e-health, education, literacy, cultural diversity, gender equality, sustainable development and environmental protection."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to ICT4D's home page... I've enjoyed reading your blog. I was searching for work from home directory sites. I have a home based business and I wanted some ideas and tips. I also have a blog, it is it’s new and it’s getting better all the time. Have a look if you want, but I'm moving house and have not posted in a while. I'll get back to it soon.

My other site is a work from home directory site. I recently decided to build my own income and I thought I searching for tips would help me become a better mentor.

Keep up the great work PML, I'll be back soon.