Monday, April 18, 2005

Slashdot | Mark Shuttleworth Answers At Length

Slashdot | Mark Shuttleworth Answers At Length: "If it doesn't work utthat way, though, I'm honoured to consider it a gift back to the open source world, which played such a critical role in helping me build Thawte. So I hope it's commerce, though it may turn out to be philanthropy. Either way, it's still cheaper than going back to space, or hooking up with fast planes/boats/women, which I supposed would be Plan B."

"I get tons of people stopping me in the street in Cape Town again, but instead of asking "what's weightlessness like" they want to know about Open Source. The answer to both questions? "Liberating" :-)"

Shuttleworth is a young successful businessman, astronaut and philanthrop. He think it is more fun and cheaper to make Ubuntu than planes/boats/women :-)

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