Sunday, April 03, 2005

Novell Says Its Next Linux Desktop Will Surpass Windows

Novell Says Its Next Linux Desktop Will Surpass Windows: "'We are getting ahead of [Microsoft] Windows for the first time,' he said."

About "Beagle" and WinFS. "The Economist" has earlier talked positively about the "open source" model espesially in medicine and bioinformatics, but the magazine is sceptical to the innovative ability to this business model. The competition between Microsoft Longhorn and Linux in 2006/2007 will be a showdown. I think Linux is going into its "innovative honeymoon" in 2005 when practically all Microsoft functionality is dublicated. There are many open source project like that in this moment has 98 294 projects going with 1 046 253 registered users. A few of these should be innovative? I am quit sure, that we havent seen much about the innovative potential of an open internet and open source yet. Think about when virtually all Chinese and Indian has ten times faster broadband that the best broadband that exist in Europe and US today. Then, if it is an open and sharing structure it will be possible to release the creative potential in people. Should pen and paper be patented and licenced to the elite that is able to pay a stiff price to ensure innovations in writing? The neoclassical economic approach is in my opinion just a working hypothesis that is faster and faster thrown away after use. Especially outside the traditional markets like real estate etc. It will be more and more pilot projects in the open source manner, and some of them will succeed with new business models, like Red Hat has as a service company. In universities, open source will maybe construct a new generation of scientists. I will search for more trends in this development..

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