Sunday, April 03, 2005

BBC NEWS | Technology | Listen to the Supremes with care

BBC NEWS | Technology | Listen to the Supremes with care: "It matters in part because the US has a lot of influence over international organisations that write the wide-ranging treaties covering things like global trade and intellectual property law.

So if the Supremes go against Grokster it will not be long before WIPO, the World Intellectual Property Organisation, proposes extending the principle into international law."

If this courts result that the big companies in US win, together with the software patens in Europe, it will not take long time before extreme practising of copyright/patents/trademark policy will be adopted by WIPO and in the end in the WTO. It looks like the rich world never want to stop exploiting the third world. It is like an endless story that started with glas pearls and alcohol. In 2001, the thirty riches nation subsidised their own agricultural industry (only!) with 306 billion dollar, money that would have ended up in the third world in a free market environment. The same countries gave 50 billion dollars back to the third world in aid. It seems that this exploiting system now continues into the field of patents/copyrigth/trademarks law in an extreme manner in favor of the richest countries.

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