Thursday, April 29, 2010

Open source scales better

Interesting point:

"Open Source Scales Better Than Proprietary, The Cloud Needs Massive Scale to Succeed, Therefore the Cloud Needs Open Source...

Think about it. Would Microsoft and Oracle or Microsoft and Sun before Oracle, both work on the same software project knowing it would help the other? Not likely to happen. So for me what is fueling the great scalability of open source software is not an inherent advantage in the process or the amount of developers working it. It is the fact that it has given companies that otherwise would not collaborate on code together the chance to do so. I think that is the secret sauce of open source."

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

State-wide Google deployment i Oregon Schools

This is the future for schools in my opinion. This is an example on using the real power of technology for collaboration purposes.

"Oregon Public Schools Go Google

By moving to Google's cloud infrastructure, Oregon expects to save $1.5 million annually for e-mail alone. "

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fundamental disruption in research and education happens now

For everyone that want to learn more about the fundamentals of change in research and education that happens right now, I will recommend the article written by Richard N. Katz. If you still want more perspectives continue with Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams.

Lawrence Lessig has also written an valuable article in Educause where he says that educators has to take more responsibility for what they are doing.

My own experience is: In Norway many people think that corruption is something that only resides in developing countries and that the educators should be the last to be corrupt. The more I learn about systemic failures in our own part of the world the more I feel that corruption is the same everywhere, it is just the expression that is different. Upton Sinclair wrote one time: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

A good friend of mine Junior Maih said this to me one time: solve your own problems before you try to solve ours. He is from Cameroon and he quoted the Bible and said: "And why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own?" The truth in this is more than I thought.

Getting Our Values around Copyright Right
Lawrence Lessig

Scholars, Scholarship, and the Scholarly Enterprise in the Digital Age
Richard N. Katz

Innovating the 21st-Century University: It’s Time!
Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Economist Editorial goes for 14 years copyright

A really good idea! The Economist also says that the digital revolution also has lowered the cost on production.

"Over the past 50 years, however, that balance has shifted. Largely thanks to the entertainment industry’s lawyers and lobbyists, copyright’s scope and duration have vastly increased. In America, copyright holders get 95 years’ protection as a result of an extension granted in 1998, derided by critics as the “Mickey Mouse Protection Act”. They are now calling for even greater protection, and there have been efforts to introduce similar terms in Europe. Such arguments should be resisted: it is time to tip the balance back."

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Why I don't want an iPad

Cory Doctorow explain it for me very good in his blogpost:

"Why I won't buy an iPad (and think you shouldn't, either)"

So far it seems to me that Android and MeGoo are the best choice for my future device.