Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The worlds biggest research community is...


"Downloaded millions of times since 2006 and used by hundreds of thousands of researchers daily, Zotero has grown to the world’s largest and most diverse online research community, with nearly 50 million library items presently synced to"

American Economic Association swimming in money

"This is a society with a sound financial basis that could set an example for the rest of the publishers by showing that good research should not be gated. Would this be a money losing proposition? I do not think so, first because the AEA will always have good income from its meeting registrations, and second because it would not need to maintain anymore a whole infrastructure to keep outsiders away from its journals. The AEA could probably cancel membership fees altogether and still make it work."

Nature golden open access fees

I wonder if these estimates can be real:

"1. Estimates of $10,000 – $30,000 in author charges for one OA article? You heard it here first. That’s the entire journals budget for some small libraries. They’d be able to get one article for the year – for all the faculty. I wouldn’t call that a viable OA option."