Thursday, June 30, 2005 / Comment & analysis / Columnists - James Boyle: Geeks in software patent frenzy / Comment & analysis / Columnists - James Boyle: Geeks in software patent frenzy: "There is, however a very impressive empirical literature of the expansion of patentability on the US software industry that some European policy makers seem to have missed."
Rip, Mix, Burn, Sue: Technology, Politics, and the Fight to Control Digital Media
Rip, Mix, Burn, Sue: Technology, Politics, and the Fight to Control Digital Media: "The video is copyrighted by Princeton University, and is licensed under a Creative Commons License (attribution, non-commercial, share-alike)."
Open Source Video Streamer
BBC is making a video streamer that should solve a lot of problems for GNU/Linux.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
RED HERRING | TechSpin: Linux for Norway
RED HERRING | TechSpin: Linux for Norway: "Add Norway to the list of countries that Jean-Phillipe Courtois, the recently appointed president of Microsoft International, has to visit. On Monday, the Norwegian minister of modernization, Morten Andreas Meyer, told attendees to an Oslo press conference “proprietary formats will no longer be acceptable in communication between citizens and government.” According to the web publication Slashdot, he did not mention Microsoft by name. Instead he referred to “the spreadsheet that everyone uses,” or the fact that he would no longer broadcast anything on the web using Windows Media. Mr. Meyer challenged Microsoft to “open up or become irrelevant to the Norwegian government.” "
My opinion: This plan is at least one year too late. Now it just express what everybody agree about and everybody want to do.
My opinion: This plan is at least one year too late. Now it just express what everybody agree about and everybody want to do.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Incumbent versus innovator | Schizophrenia |
Incumbent versus innovator | Schizophrenia | "Put simply, New Microsoft is preparing for a day when Old Microsoft's Windows operating system and PC software no longer provide most of the firm's revenues. But for now, the company is torn between being an incumbent and an innovator."
I am not a computer expert, but I feel that open source is taking over more and more of Microsoft products. Firefox has just passed 67 million unique downloads, OpenOffice is reaching 10-15 percent of global market share as far as I know, and with the stable release of OpenOffice 2.0 I think the market share will go up dramatically.
"“It's all about trying to get Microsoft—from the software to the brand—out of the office, off the PC screen, and into the living room,” explains Paul Jackson of Forrester, a research firm."
I am not a computer expert, but I feel that open source is taking over more and more of Microsoft products. Firefox has just passed 67 million unique downloads, OpenOffice is reaching 10-15 percent of global market share as far as I know, and with the stable release of OpenOffice 2.0 I think the market share will go up dramatically.
"“It's all about trying to get Microsoft—from the software to the brand—out of the office, off the PC screen, and into the living room,” explains Paul Jackson of Forrester, a research firm."
Monday, June 27, 2005
Showdown over European Software Patents
Showdown over European Software Patents
I recommend to read the comments here. The author is trolling to get a good discussion, and he get it.
I recommend to read the comments here. The author is trolling to get a good discussion, and he get it.
Vil presse Microsoft
Vil presse Microsoft: "Regjeringen vil tvinge gjennom bruk av åpne standarder i hele offentlig sektor. Moderniseringsministeren vil stanse avhengigheten av Microsoft."
Denne eNorge-planen burde vore lagt på bordet for minst eitt år sidan. Ting tek tydelegvis tid i departementa, men betre seint enn aldri.
Denne eNorge-planen burde vore lagt på bordet for minst eitt år sidan. Ting tek tydelegvis tid i departementa, men betre seint enn aldri. developers sound patents warning developers sound patents warning: "'We are 100 percent opposed,' said Fergal Breen, founder member and manager of IrishDev. 'We're the programmers, we're the people actually affected by this, and we are strongly opposed.'
He claims that it is mainly larger enterprises such as Microsoft and Sun that are in favour of the new directive, and that the R&D sector will be dramatically affected if the proposed directive goes ahead. 'It will stifle innovation and it will decrease competition,' he said."
He claims that it is mainly larger enterprises such as Microsoft and Sun that are in favour of the new directive, and that the R&D sector will be dramatically affected if the proposed directive goes ahead. 'It will stifle innovation and it will decrease competition,' he said."
Creativity Campaigner Tribeka trying to patent sale of software over the Internet
Creativity Campaigner Tribeka trying to patent sale of software over the Internet: "Daniel Doll-Steinberg and his company Tribeka Inc have been leading efforts of 'Campaign for Creativity' to create an impression that small and medium enterprises want software patents. Tribeka itself does not own any patents but has applied for a broad European Patent on the sale of software over the Internet.
Doll-Steinberg is frequently quoted in press releases of Campaign for Creativity and has spoken at various occasions in the European Parliament in favor of software patents.
Tribeka seems to have two patent applications in the pipeline, both of which are not yet granted by the European Patent Office. Tribeka tries to lay broad monopoly claims to the well-known computer-implemented business method of offering a selection of software products for download. Doll-Steinberg claims in an article in the printed newspaper 'Sunday Express' that his company would be completely worthless without its patents, which so far have not been granted, and for this purpose is asking the Parliament to approve the Council's Uncommon Position."
Doll-Steinberg is frequently quoted in press releases of Campaign for Creativity and has spoken at various occasions in the European Parliament in favor of software patents.
Tribeka seems to have two patent applications in the pipeline, both of which are not yet granted by the European Patent Office. Tribeka tries to lay broad monopoly claims to the well-known computer-implemented business method of offering a selection of software products for download. Doll-Steinberg claims in an article in the printed newspaper 'Sunday Express' that his company would be completely worthless without its patents, which so far have not been granted, and for this purpose is asking the Parliament to approve the Council's Uncommon Position."
Row over conflicts of interest of Klaus-Heiner Lehne MEP
Row over conflicts of interest of Klaus-Heiner Lehne MEP: "German web fora have been agitated by online discussions and news articles about apparent interest conflicts of Klaus Heiner Lehne MEP, who, as a coordinator of the European People's Party in the Legal Affairs Committee, strongly opposed all amendments that had any limiting effect on patentability or enforcability, and actively fought in JURI as well as in Berlin and elsewhere for widest possible patentability. It now appears that Lehne works as a Brussels lobbying consultant for multinational corporations who are the main clients of one of the leading lawfirms for patent litigation in Europe, which is also itself involved in patent lobbying and closely connected to lobbying organisations."
HOW many scandals has to come to the surface before the MEP understand that they are cheated??? Is it so difficult to understand that sometimes the multinationals have oposite interest than the society???
HOW many scandals has to come to the surface before the MEP understand that they are cheated??? Is it so difficult to understand that sometimes the multinationals have oposite interest than the society???
eNorge 2009 - det digitale spranget
MOD - Invitasjon til pressekonferanse: "Vi beklager at overf�ringen kun kan sees med Windows Media Player. Statens forvaltningstjenestes avtale med n�v�rende leverand�r av videooverf�ring p�internett utl�per ved utgangen av �ret, og ved inng�else av ny kontrakt vil tilgjengelighet p�alle plattformer v�re et ufravikelig krav."
Litt lenger bak i dokumentet står ei anna forklaring som er brukt i NRK tidlegare, sikkert leverandøren sin eigen forklaring:
" Tilbyr dere video i Real-format eller Quicktime? Hvorfor bruker dere ikke åpne formater?
Vi har begrenset oss til ett format av kostnadshensyn. For tiden mener vi Windows Media Player utgjør det beste alternativet, sett ut fra en rekke kriterier. Vi vurderer uansett løpende all ny teknologi innenfor streaming video.
Det finnes ingen oppegående, effektive videoformater for streaming som ikke er proprietære i dag (MPEG4 er en standard, men det finnes såvidt oss bekjent ingen fullgod implementasjon av åpne playere og encodere og servere som takler streaming).
Real og Quicktime er formater som er tilgjengelig på flere plattformer. Men det er noen ulemper (både for brukeren og for oss) med disse formatene. Vi har landet på det proprietære alternativet som er mest smertefritt både for oss og ikke minst for nesten alle potensielle brukere."
Min kommentar: Utan å vere ekspert på korkje kodeksar og videostreaming trur ikkje på desse teknologiske orsakingane, det er utdatert datakunnskap eller elendige kunnskapar om andre ting enn Microsoft-produkter. ´mest smertefritt for oss´ betyr eigentleg at ´me har ikkje peiling´, enkelt og greitt. Håpar staten er litt smartare og ser litt lenger fram i tid ved neste korsveg.
Litt lenger bak i dokumentet står ei anna forklaring som er brukt i NRK tidlegare, sikkert leverandøren sin eigen forklaring:
" Tilbyr dere video i Real-format eller Quicktime? Hvorfor bruker dere ikke åpne formater?
Vi har begrenset oss til ett format av kostnadshensyn. For tiden mener vi Windows Media Player utgjør det beste alternativet, sett ut fra en rekke kriterier. Vi vurderer uansett løpende all ny teknologi innenfor streaming video.
Det finnes ingen oppegående, effektive videoformater for streaming som ikke er proprietære i dag (MPEG4 er en standard, men det finnes såvidt oss bekjent ingen fullgod implementasjon av åpne playere og encodere og servere som takler streaming).
Real og Quicktime er formater som er tilgjengelig på flere plattformer. Men det er noen ulemper (både for brukeren og for oss) med disse formatene. Vi har landet på det proprietære alternativet som er mest smertefritt både for oss og ikke minst for nesten alle potensielle brukere."
Min kommentar: Utan å vere ekspert på korkje kodeksar og videostreaming trur ikkje på desse teknologiske orsakingane, det er utdatert datakunnskap eller elendige kunnskapar om andre ting enn Microsoft-produkter. ´mest smertefritt for oss´ betyr eigentleg at ´me har ikkje peiling´, enkelt og greitt. Håpar staten er litt smartare og ser litt lenger fram i tid ved neste korsveg.
Fight Aging!: The Future of Open Source Biotechnology
Fight Aging!: The Future of Open Source Biotechnology: "Why spend millions keeping racks of mice when you can spend hundreds of thousands on reliable, tested software to do the same job - software that will become cheaper by an order of magnitude with each passing decade. Before this transition is even mostly underway, we will see an unleashing of talent comparable to that in open source software development today."
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Productized Open Source Software
Productized Open Source Software: "Welcome to SpikeSource. Our goal is to facilitate the adoption of open source software in the enterprise through testing, certification and support services. We see a world full of powerful, reliable and freely extensible infrastructure—free of vendor lock-in."
O'Reilly Open Source Convention - August 1-5, 2005 - Portland, OR
O'Reilly Open Source Convention - August 1-5, 2005 - Portland, OR: "Open source, like commercial software, comes with certain risks that must be managed. Unlike commercial software, open source does not automatically come with a vendor who is motivated to manage those risks. However, a new breed of company has emerged who are making a business of helping companies managing the risks of using open source."
The Hindu Business Line : A CEO thinks aloud
The Hindu Business Line : A CEO thinks aloud: "Also, even if the licence cost is zero, the cost of onsite support for Western countries is high. Skills in Windows support now typically cost $50 per hour while Linux support costs thrice as much in the US. Providing support out of India is definitely a business opportunity that can only grow."
Linux News: Open Source: Linux Muscles Into Microsoft's Space
Linux News: Open Source: Linux Muscles Into Microsoft's Space: "Of course, there are arguments from both sides. But when you compare Linux and Windows applications feature for feature, there is very little, if anything, that Microsoft has that Linux hasn't yet perfected."
Open-source versus Microsoft in office arena - Softpedia News
Open-source versus Microsoft in office arena - Softpedia News: "In fact, if the reports offered by the analysis companies are accurate, OpenOffice already has a 10% market share, at least according to IDC, Jupiter and Gartner, while Forrester is even more optimistic about the open-source solution, evaluating its market share at 15%. "
NewsForge | Writer vs. Microsoft Word
NewsForge | Writer vs. Microsoft Word: "Yet, despite these shortcomings, OOo Writer is not only as fully developed as Microsoft Word, but often superior in terms of features and stability.
Several years ago I concluded 'Opening Up to' by saying, 'OOo Writer outperforms Microsoft Word in almost every way.' With the release of the version 2.0 beta, that statement is truer than ever. At its worst, OOo Writer is an adequate alternative for Microsoft Word. Most of the time, it is a superior one. And the greater your need for page design features or long document handling, the greater that superiority becomes."
Several years ago I concluded 'Opening Up to' by saying, 'OOo Writer outperforms Microsoft Word in almost every way.' With the release of the version 2.0 beta, that statement is truer than ever. At its worst, OOo Writer is an adequate alternative for Microsoft Word. Most of the time, it is a superior one. And the greater your need for page design features or long document handling, the greater that superiority becomes."
Exploring Open Source Alternatives (for the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University) by Eric Mesa (E-book) in Books > Comp
Exploring Open Source Alternatives (for the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University) by Eric Mesa (E-book) in Books > Computer Science & Technology > Operating Systems > Linux: "Thinking of migrating your school, business, or department to Linux, but not sure what options you have? See through the BS that Microsoft is always saying and find out what your FREE alternatives are in the Open Source realm. Stop paying for software because, the truth is, you don't have to anymore! Although this is a report I prepared for the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University, it is applicate to everyone wondering if they can do without MS Windows."
NewsForge | The facts behind the "Get the Facts" ad campaign
NewsForge | The facts behind the "Get the Facts" ad campaign: "What I didn't know at the time that story was written was that the Info-Tech report was paid for by Microsoft -- just not up front, as in the 'funded' reports Microsoft has used before. I guess they've learned that it's a dead giveaway that when they fund a report or a benchmark it is bound to show Microsoft's message, regardless of reality. They were sneakier this time. They paid for it after the fact."
Saturday, June 25, 2005 | tech news 'Bring and burn' open source software | tech news 'Bring and burn' open source software: "'The Freedom Toaster project began as a means of overcoming the difficulty in obtaining Linux and Open Source software due to the restrictive telecommunications environment in South Africa, ... "
Berlingske Tidende
Berlingske Tidende
Another example that politicians in EU dont follow their mandate in EU meetings.
More here:
"Der var ingen uklarheder i folketingsflertallets instruktion til Bendt Bendtsen, siger EU-ordførere. Ministeren skulle forhindre, at softwaredirektivet kom til afstemning i EUs Ministerråd og bagefter sende det til genforhandling. Fortroligt referat støtter ordførernes version."
Another example that politicians in EU dont follow their mandate in EU meetings.
More here:
"Der var ingen uklarheder i folketingsflertallets instruktion til Bendt Bendtsen, siger EU-ordførere. Ministeren skulle forhindre, at softwaredirektivet kom til afstemning i EUs Ministerråd og bagefter sende det til genforhandling. Fortroligt referat støtter ordførernes version."
Van Buitenen MEP Inquires on Possibilities for Sanctions against Council Patent Officials
Van Buitenen MEP Inquires on Possibilities for Sanctions against Council Patent Officials: "The Council's patent policy working party, consisting of ministerial patent officials from the member states, secretly met on May 27th to form a joint position on the Parliament's proposed amendments to the Council's Uncommon Position on software patents. At that meeting, the Dutch representatives acted against promises given to their Parliament, positioning the Netherlands as a country that can not accept any limit on patentability with regard to software. In a letter sent to the Council today, Paul van Buitenen, known as a 'whistleblower' whose investigations forced a corrupt European Commission to resign, inquires about the legal basis for this kind of illoyalty in EU law and for sanctions available to bring the Council under democratic control. Questions on a related matter by a colleague of Buitenen and by FFII have so far been ignored by the Council." - Press Release And News Distribution - HP Consortium Releases Open Source Microfinance Banking Solution to Benefit Developing World - Press Release And News Distribution - HP Consortium Releases Open Source Microfinance Banking Solution to Benefit Developing World: "i-Newswire, - In partnership with a consortium of seven other public and private organizations, HP today announced the global release of an open source microfinance solution that is designed to change the way millions of people in the developing world access credit. "
EUROPA - Research - Headlines - Research on open source software
EUROPA - Research - Headlines - Research on open source software: "The project involves 17 partners in 12 countries around the world, who will share the €660 000 grant from the EU’s FP6. Focusing on FLOSS communities in Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, India, Malaysia and South Africa, the project will enable research and policy development at a global level for the first time, and facilitate further collaboration between the EU and developing countries in this area, the partners say in a statement."
Open source economics
Policy: "Smithian virtues, Smithian threats
Along with micro-credit, OSS represents a new and exciting economic form which exemplify themes associated with Adam Smith. Firstly, as the great Austrian economist Carl Menger observed “Smith placed himself in all cases of conflict of interest between the poor and the rich, between the strong and the weak, without exception on the side of the latter”.[3]
Along with micro-credit, OSS represents a new and exciting economic form which exemplify themes associated with Adam Smith. Firstly, as the great Austrian economist Carl Menger observed “Smith placed himself in all cases of conflict of interest between the poor and the rich, between the strong and the weak, without exception on the side of the latter”.[3]
IT AsiaOne - News - Alliance pushes open-source
IT AsiaOne - News - Alliance pushes open-source: "The recently-formed Singapore Open Source Alliance (Sosa), a nine-member industry alliance initiated by local open-source solutions provider Resolvo Systems, cites eight IT giants as its other founding members - Apple, HP, IBM, Intel, Novell, Oracle, Red Hat and Sun Microsystems."
NewsForge | Italian lawyers in love with open source
NewsForge | Italian lawyers in love with open source: "The long-term availability and privacy of all legal documents deserve the highest possible guarantees. Only non-proprietary file formats like OpenDocument, the default format in 2.0, will always be legally accessible with any software program. Proprietary software, if loaded with DRM functionality, may silently track file modification and exchanges and automatically report it to third parties."
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
LXer: Is Microsoft Buying Anti-Virus Companies to Undermine Linux? You Decide
LXer: Is Microsoft Buying Anti-Virus Companies to Undermine Linux? You Decide: "Has Microsoft ever resolved its status as a monopoly? If not, who regulates this company? Do you consider buying up anti-virus companies that offer products for Linux anti-competitive?"
Emerging markets will be a match for Microsoft - ZDNet UK Comment
Emerging markets will be a match for Microsoft - ZDNet UK Comment: "And emerging markets will continue to point to open source software as a real, pragmatic alternative" - Sikkerhet vil drive PC-salget fremover - Sikkerhet vil drive PC-salget fremover
Med UbuntuLinux så sparar ein seg for 1) Dyre virusprogrammer 2) Dyre oppgraderingar av software 3) Dyre oppgraderingar av hardware 4) Nedsett produktivitet som fylgje av den sirupen som fylgjer med å køyre virusprogrammer på pc.
Med UbuntuLinux så sparar ein seg for 1) Dyre virusprogrammer 2) Dyre oppgraderingar av software 3) Dyre oppgraderingar av hardware 4) Nedsett produktivitet som fylgje av den sirupen som fylgjer med å køyre virusprogrammer på pc.
BBC NEWS | Politics | Brown warns EU on economic future
BBC NEWS | Politics | Brown warns EU on economic future: "'The challenge for Europe now is that of global competition.'"
The EU have already changed the policy of subidies from big scale to small scale farmers. I dont see much point in selling first class rice to EU farmers so they can feed pigs with it. India and China will inevitably grow anyway of the European and American protectionism. Software patents and too strong copyright protection will strike back on US and EU sooner or later because everyone see that this is extreme protectionism. The future will consist of much broader range of business models, much more complex cost-benefit structure than before. The globalization has not arrived for real yet, but in two-three years... So prepare for globalization and stop using old solution on new problems.
The EU have already changed the policy of subidies from big scale to small scale farmers. I dont see much point in selling first class rice to EU farmers so they can feed pigs with it. India and China will inevitably grow anyway of the European and American protectionism. Software patents and too strong copyright protection will strike back on US and EU sooner or later because everyone see that this is extreme protectionism. The future will consist of much broader range of business models, much more complex cost-benefit structure than before. The globalization has not arrived for real yet, but in two-three years... So prepare for globalization and stop using old solution on new problems.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Korea brings homegrown open source to schools | Tech News on ZDNet
Korea brings homegrown open source to schools | Tech News on ZDNet: "The South Korean government is rolling out a homegrown open-source platform to 10,000 schools in the country."
Telenor has just given 7000 Microsoft computers to the Norwegian Schools, I wonder if the pupils from South-Korea is going to learn more with using Linux. Time will show.
Telenor has just given 7000 Microsoft computers to the Norwegian Schools, I wonder if the pupils from South-Korea is going to learn more with using Linux. Time will show.
Monday, June 20, 2005
The Economic Majority Against Software Patents
The Economic Majority Against Software Patents: "The Economic Majority Against Software Patents"
Linux solves Bergen schools' IT | Linux
Linux solves Bergen schools' IT | Linux: "The Benefits? Reduced operating system licence and support fees; centralised architecture offers easier, more cost-effective management and maintenance; stable solution with built-in component redundancy for greater resilience; effective load balancing; enhanced scalability "
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Description of Selected News: "Africa's problem isn't dishonesty or immaturity, which are fairly evenly spread around the planet. It is too many relatively small ethnic groups trying to share the same country. Social traditions that expect successful people to support even distant relations often make the situation worse, but no other continent has such extravagant ethnic diversity, so it's really up to Africans themselves to overcome the problem."
Interesting, but I would add that a free information infrastructure would be good because then all these etnic group could see how they are cheated. And 800 angry Agricans with free access to internet is going to change a bit I suppose.
Interesting, but I would add that a free information infrastructure would be good because then all these etnic group could see how they are cheated. And 800 angry Agricans with free access to internet is going to change a bit I suppose.
The Observer | Business | How Europe cheats Africa
The Observer | Business | How Europe cheats Africa
"The most powerful commitment Europe could make to saving Africa would be to abolish the Common Agricultural Policy."
Thats one of the reasons why it is a crisis in EU right now, because Blair dont want to contribute to the export subsidies. But why should the farmers in EU pay the entire price and give up their work?
"The most powerful commitment Europe could make to saving Africa would be to abolish the Common Agricultural Policy."
Thats one of the reasons why it is a crisis in EU right now, because Blair dont want to contribute to the export subsidies. But why should the farmers in EU pay the entire price and give up their work?
Why millions of Africans have a stake in the outcome of Europe´s farm row
News: "For every dollar to be dished out to Africa at the G8 meeting next month, another is snatched away by Western protectionism. Raymond Whitaker reports"
Good article!
Good article!
BBC NEWS | Business | Wolfowitz calls for subsidy cuts
BBC NEWS | Business | Wolfowitz calls for subsidy cuts: "Wealthy nations must reduce their agricultural subsidies to help African producers enter new markets, World Bank chief Paul Wolfowitz has argued."
BBC NEWS | Health | G8 'must stop medic brain-drain'
BBC NEWS | Health | G8 'must stop medic brain-drain': "Nurses' and doctors' leaders have called on the UK Government to tackle the 'poaching' of overseas healthcare workers, at next month's G8 summit."
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Tectonic -- Linux and open source news
Tectonic -- Linux and open source news: "tuXlab to install 100th school Linux-lab, plans for next 100"
Tectonic -- Linux and open source news
Tectonic -- Linux and open source news: "Schools Linux volunteers install ten laboratories in one day"
Library materials given to search engines
Library materials given to search engines: "About 5,000 public, academic and military libraries nationwide are participating in the pilot program announced Thursday by Thomson Gale, a Farmington Hills, Mich.-based company that provides electronic versions of articles, encyclopedic references and 18th-century books."
Friday, June 17, 2005
Thursday, June 16, 2005
UXDOTS: Screen-Reader for Linux (synthetic speech)
UXDOTS: Screen-Reader for Linux: "LINUX is a complete UNIX operating system for the PC!
The strict separation of the textual and graphical user interface is a property of the Linux operating system, that makes it attractive especially for blind computer users."
The Acrobat Reader 7 has synthetic speech too. Just click on "view" and you will see it. Thanks to Junior for showing me this!
The strict separation of the textual and graphical user interface is a property of the Linux operating system, that makes it attractive especially for blind computer users."
The Acrobat Reader 7 has synthetic speech too. Just click on "view" and you will see it. Thanks to Junior for showing me this!
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Firefox at USF Tampa library - Spread Firefox
Firefox at USF Tampa library - Spread Firefox: "I would think that most system administrators are pretty knowlegeable and are deploying firefox or at least planning on it. I've noticed it in every library and computer lab that I've used here at Northwestern University."
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Applied Abstractions: Lessig frustrated with Kopinor conference
Applied Abstractions: Lessig frustrated with Kopinor conference: "A second example is Kopinor itself, which collects a fee from universities, school, companies etc. meant to compensate authors for works copied for studying (which is permissible under Norwegian law.) Yet, most of what is copied in Norwegian universities is foreign material, which they make little effort to redistribute. Also, they refuse to take into account the increasing amount of material that is available free for non-commercial use (such as all of ACMs material, for instance) and thus take a reduction in their fees. Incidentally, the money is distributed according to criteria somewhat similar to the Norwegian authors' association mentioned above."
From Espens Blog.
My comment: I agree 100 percent in the word above. I have really problems to see any justification of Kopinors activity. Sorry.
From Espens Blog.
My comment: I agree 100 percent in the word above. I have really problems to see any justification of Kopinors activity. Sorry.
Lawrence Lessig in Norway
Lawrence Lessig: "Yet there was a general view at the conference that this was wrong. That we hurt developing nations, for example, if we give them knowledge for free. They should have to pay for the truths we create. It weakens them, the argument went, if they can just take what we have discovered. Better to encourage their industry of science than to destroy it by simply spreading the truths that science here has created.
This is really an astonishing argument, as it is as clearly wrong from the perspective of economics as an argument could be. Assuming the discoverer is compensated for the discovery, there is no reason to block the spread of knowledge just for the purpose of inducing industry in a developing nation."
This is really an astonishing argument, as it is as clearly wrong from the perspective of economics as an argument could be. Assuming the discoverer is compensated for the discovery, there is no reason to block the spread of knowledge just for the purpose of inducing industry in a developing nation."
Linux lure
Linux lure: "'Promoting Linux's applications and open-source software in government departments and enterprises is key to building an open-source industry eco-system,' says Ding Wenwu, deputy-director-general of MII's department of electronics and information products."
Monday, June 13, 2005
IDG's PC World Unveils Winners of the 2005 World Class Awards
IDG's PC World Unveils Winners of the 2005 World Class Awards
As one could expect from Open Source: Ubuntu 5.04, Firefox, Gmail, Google, Thunderbird, Wikipedia, Internet archive won their cathegory of PCWORLD product of the year 2005. The GNU/Linux friend Google has become the world biggest media company, just passed Time Warner and much bigger than Disney.
As one could expect from Open Source: Ubuntu 5.04, Firefox, Gmail, Google, Thunderbird, Wikipedia, Internet archive won their cathegory of PCWORLD product of the year 2005. The GNU/Linux friend Google has become the world biggest media company, just passed Time Warner and much bigger than Disney.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Is the telephone industry ready for open source? | Newsmakers | CNET
Is the telephone industry ready for open source? | Newsmakers | CNET "Nowadays with the Internet, the idea of selling things on a per-license basis, as software's typically sold, just isn't compatible any more." : Review : Home-grown open-source video Codec to save BBC millions and make possible 'universal access' : Page - 1/1 : Review : Home-grown open-source video Codec to save BBC millions and make possible 'universal access' : Page - 1/1: "The Dirac video Codec created by BBC R&D and co-developed since early 2004 with open-source programmers is set to remove one massive barrier to making available on the internet all BBC TV output – by saving the corporation very many millions of pounds in streaming license fees in coming years. "
Saturday, June 11, 2005
The Power Of Us
The Power Of Us: "Yochai Benkler, a Yale Law School professor who studies the economics of networks, thinks such online cooperation is spurring a new mode of production beyond the two classic pillars of economics, the firm and the market. 'Peer production,' as he calls work such as open-source software, file-sharing, and Inc.'s (AMZN ) millions of customer product reviews, creates value with neither conventional corporate oversight nor market incentives such as payment. 'The economic role of social behavior is increasing,' he says."
Linux News: Open Source: There's No Need To Fear Open Source
Linux News: Open Source: There's No Need To Fear Open Source: "As always, when choosing technology alternatives, the bottom line is whether the product meets the library's automation needs as well as its support needs. There is no reason to let fear rule out open-source software when it may be just the right solution for your library. "
U-land er bedre på industri enn jordbruk
U-land er bedre p�industri enn jordbruk: "U-land er bedre p�industri enn jordbruk
Friday, June 10, 2005
Linux Latin-America
/default.en: "The install fest will be held in 13 countries, with a total of 106 participating cities, 12 in Argentina, 5 in Bolivia, 30 in Brasil, 7 in Chile, 16 in Colombia, 1 in Costa Rica, 9 in Ecuador, 2 in El Salvador, 1 in Guatemala, 1 in Honduras, 11 in Per�4 in M�xico and 8 in Venezuela."
CIO Asia - The Linux Engine that Could
CIO Asia - The Linux Engine that Could: "What makes this deal special is its size. With 5.3 trillion renminbi (US$640 billion) in total assets, ICBC is China’s biggest bank, serving 100 million individuals and 8.1 million corporate accounts through more than 20,000 branch offices across China. When the project is completed, many of ICBC’s 390,000 employees will be accessing applications hosted on Linux servers on a daily basis."
DarkVision Hardware - Firefox gains more marketshare
DarkVision Hardware - Firefox gains more marketshare
Firefox more than 8 percent global market share, not bad!
Firefox more than 8 percent global market share, not bad!
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Gartner Analyzes Hottest Topics of 2005: Open-Source, Voice/Data Convergence, Service-Oriented Architecture, IT Utility and Global Sourcing; New Speci
Gartner Analyzes Hottest Topics of 2005: Open-Source, Voice/Data Convergence, Service-Oriented Architecture, IT Utility and Global Sourcing; New Special Report Projects Adoption Rates, Assesses Key Issues: "By 2008 95 percent of Global 2000 organizations will have formal open-source acquisition and management strategies; and, OSS applications will directly compete with closed-source products in every software infrastructure market. By 2010, IT organizations in Global 2000 companies will consider open-source products in 80 percent of their infrastructure-focused software investments and 25 percent of their business software investments. "
Monday, June 06, 2005
Biology News Net: Bioinformatics - Scientists create digital bacteria to forge advances in biomedical research
Biology News Net: Bioinformatics - Scientists create digital bacteria to forge advances in biomedical research: "The simulation, called AgentCell, has possible applications in cancer research, drug development and combating bioterrorism."
And OPEN SOURCE so even the poorest country in the world can get it and use it for the most advanced research.
And OPEN SOURCE so even the poorest country in the world can get it and use it for the most advanced research.
NewsForge | Playboy spreads open source software
NewsForge | Playboy spreads open source software: "Playboy's corporate management has warmly welcomed Yocum's moves toward open source. They appreciate the cost savings and, Yocum says, display an attitude of 'whatever works.' The push toward open source, he says, comes from the bottom up; the real fans of Apache and Perl are the network administrators, including himself, and they are fortunate to have bosses who give them the freedom to use open alternatives.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Saturday, June 04, 2005 - The 100 Best Products of 2005 - The 100 Best Products of 2005
CNET rank Firefox as the worlds best browser. I AGREE 100 percent. I have dozens of extensions and customized it together with Google Toolbar so it is extremely reliable and efficient.
CNET rank Firefox as the worlds best browser. I AGREE 100 percent. I have dozens of extensions and customized it together with Google Toolbar so it is extremely reliable and efficient.
Money Plans - FirefoxIE - Test IE Compatibility Inside Firefox, Fully Equipped and Ready for Firefox 1.0PR : Team-
Money Plans - FirefoxIE - Test IE Compatibility Inside Firefox, Fully Equipped and Ready for Firefox 1.0PR : Team-: "As it appears, we may have a full opportunity to finally and fully break out from IE's deadly stranglehold on Web page development. Check out “FF/IE WebPages” at . This item now has information that will help developers create Web pages that render
identically in the Mozilla Firefox browser and the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser!"
identically in the Mozilla Firefox browser and the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser!"
Money Plans - Fork in Linux Road? : Tech Bytes-
Money Plans - Fork in Linux Road? : Tech Bytes-: "In contrast, the Linux kernel is tightly controlled by Linus Torvalds and some core Linux code keepers. As long as these people are around, there is little chance that the Linux kernel will fork like the Unix kernel did. The only differences among Linux distributions in terms of kernel is which version of the kernel each is based on."
My comments: The kernel is what makes GNU/Linux so genious compared to Microsoft and Unix. Because GNU/Linux dont have to think profit, they dont stand over the tradeoff between compatibility and profit. And on the top of that there is special guidelines for secureing compatibility for applications. I like the strategy to Oracle against other Linux distributions, because it is still open for implementation if a group of smart people join together. A free human may not use his/her possibilities in life, but the point is that if he/she WANT it strong enough it is POSSIBLE compared to a slave. This resemble the American "self-made man" and the American way of life, isnt it? The US government try to depress the evolution of Free Libre Open Source (FLOSS) as much as they can today. No ideals here please except on meaningless parties or propaganda.
My comments: The kernel is what makes GNU/Linux so genious compared to Microsoft and Unix. Because GNU/Linux dont have to think profit, they dont stand over the tradeoff between compatibility and profit. And on the top of that there is special guidelines for secureing compatibility for applications. I like the strategy to Oracle against other Linux distributions, because it is still open for implementation if a group of smart people join together. A free human may not use his/her possibilities in life, but the point is that if he/she WANT it strong enough it is POSSIBLE compared to a slave. This resemble the American "self-made man" and the American way of life, isnt it? The US government try to depress the evolution of Free Libre Open Source (FLOSS) as much as they can today. No ideals here please except on meaningless parties or propaganda.
GROKLAW (recommended reading to understand the difference!)
GROKLAW: "If I were to invent a device for finding mushrooms in a forest — as a mycophile, this an idea I've actually spent some time on — then it would doubtless contain software. For example, I could develop an algorithm that sorted and counted spores in an air sample through video analysis, but all the patent would care about would be a black box that produced a spore analysis to ring a bell, point an arrow or whatever. That would be strong enough to protect my invention — even if someone came up with a different way to sort spores — but wouldn't stop anyone else from using video analysis to check for dandruff or cocaine particles at parties. That seems to sensibly encompass the balance between protection and disclosure that the patent system is designed to strike."
NewsForge | Don't fear the patent
NewsForge | Don't fear the patent
READ COMMENTS to this article, they are very good and shows that this is not the right time to be NAIVE! Patents on software without direct connection to the natural forces is the same as giving the multinationals the exclusive right to rule the global business without any significant democratic influence, because the society has in a "democratic" way abstained from democratic influence over the multinationals. Is people really aware of this global and gigantic fish-hook? Bring into the picture Digital Rights Management and the the evil picture is complete.
READ COMMENTS to this article, they are very good and shows that this is not the right time to be NAIVE! Patents on software without direct connection to the natural forces is the same as giving the multinationals the exclusive right to rule the global business without any significant democratic influence, because the society has in a "democratic" way abstained from democratic influence over the multinationals. Is people really aware of this global and gigantic fish-hook? Bring into the picture Digital Rights Management and the the evil picture is complete.
Council trying to derail Parliament's Second Reading
Council trying to derail Parliament's Second Reading: "Hartmut Pilch of FFII expects: 'The disccourse of many Committee members will then be strongly influenced by 'political' considerations, with 'realism' and 'compromise' being the buzzwords and the achievement of a clear and adequate law becoming a secondary objective at best.'
In the concluding conversation with EPP shadow rapporteur Piia-Noora Kauppi MEP at the FFII's conference on Wednesday, Pilch said the Council is hastily meeting because, as realists, they are afraid of the enormous force of a clear counter-position from the European Parliament, and therefore are trying to derail the process. 'Realistically speaking, truth is a strong weapon. So let's use it', Pilch concluded."
"The negotiations are secret, and usually the positions of individual countries are not published."
My commentary: This process shows that the politicians in the EU is caught in a undemocratic game. The more secret they can negotiate, the better for the multinationals, and it seems that the EU-politicians aims to favour the multinationals instead of trusting the creativity and entrepeneurship of their own people. It also shows that the EU-politicians have locked in a position that economic growth in EU can only be achieved by hindering the third world to develop into the knowledge society. So, the 250 year old tradition with protectionism and imperialism continues into the new information society. This is a coward strategy instead of using the possibility ICT gives, to let the whole globe prosper in economic growth in an ecological friendly way. This strategy seems to thrive well in the EU system, I am sorry to say after 7 year with enthusiastic support to EU. When it comes to the issues that the strategists in EU really think it is important, the democracy is largely removed from the arena, while "unimportant" issues is given democratic treatment. I DO NOT LIKE IT!
In the concluding conversation with EPP shadow rapporteur Piia-Noora Kauppi MEP at the FFII's conference on Wednesday, Pilch said the Council is hastily meeting because, as realists, they are afraid of the enormous force of a clear counter-position from the European Parliament, and therefore are trying to derail the process. 'Realistically speaking, truth is a strong weapon. So let's use it', Pilch concluded."
"The negotiations are secret, and usually the positions of individual countries are not published."
My commentary: This process shows that the politicians in the EU is caught in a undemocratic game. The more secret they can negotiate, the better for the multinationals, and it seems that the EU-politicians aims to favour the multinationals instead of trusting the creativity and entrepeneurship of their own people. It also shows that the EU-politicians have locked in a position that economic growth in EU can only be achieved by hindering the third world to develop into the knowledge society. So, the 250 year old tradition with protectionism and imperialism continues into the new information society. This is a coward strategy instead of using the possibility ICT gives, to let the whole globe prosper in economic growth in an ecological friendly way. This strategy seems to thrive well in the EU system, I am sorry to say after 7 year with enthusiastic support to EU. When it comes to the issues that the strategists in EU really think it is important, the democracy is largely removed from the arena, while "unimportant" issues is given democratic treatment. I DO NOT LIKE IT!
Friday, June 03, 2005
Linux News: Software: Open Source Catching On in Travel Industry
Linux News: Software: Open Source Catching On in Travel Industry: "A 'perfect storm' of forces is converging that will lead open source Latest News about open source to dominate the information technology systems of the travel industry by 2007, according to Marc Fleury, founder, chairman and chief executive officer of JBoss, headquartered in Atlanta."
Thursday, June 02, 2005
BBC NEWS | Business | Brazil adopts open-source software
BBC NEWS | Business | Brazil adopts open-source software: "'The number one reason for this change is economic,' says Sergio Amadeu, who runs the government's National Institute for Information Technology.
NewsForge | Red Hat Summit Day 2: Good collaboration and more
NewsForge | Red Hat Summit Day 2: Good collaboration and more: "In his summary, Wladawsky-Berger noted that 'open source collaboration is an absolute key to the 21st century.'"
InformationWeek > Linux In Government > U.S. Health Department Signs Major Linux Deal With Novell > June 1, 2005
InformationWeek > Linux In Government > U.S. Health Department Signs Major Linux Deal With Novell > June 1, 2005: "U.S. Health Department Signs Major Linux Deal With Novell "
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