Saturday, June 04, 2005

Money Plans - Fork in Linux Road? : Tech Bytes-

Money Plans - Fork in Linux Road? : Tech Bytes-: "In contrast, the Linux kernel is tightly controlled by Linus Torvalds and some core Linux code keepers. As long as these people are around, there is little chance that the Linux kernel will fork like the Unix kernel did. The only differences among Linux distributions in terms of kernel is which version of the kernel each is based on."

My comments: The kernel is what makes GNU/Linux so genious compared to Microsoft and Unix. Because GNU/Linux dont have to think profit, they dont stand over the tradeoff between compatibility and profit. And on the top of that there is special guidelines for secureing compatibility for applications. I like the strategy to Oracle against other Linux distributions, because it is still open for implementation if a group of smart people join together. A free human may not use his/her possibilities in life, but the point is that if he/she WANT it strong enough it is POSSIBLE compared to a slave. This resemble the American "self-made man" and the American way of life, isnt it? The US government try to depress the evolution of Free Libre Open Source (FLOSS) as much as they can today. No ideals here please except on meaningless parties or propaganda.

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