Friday, October 14, 2005

Wow -- technodolt's comment on "Bricklin: OK, so where are the ODF developer kits?" | TalkBack on ZDNet

Wow -- technodolt's comment on "Bricklin: OK, so where are the ODF developer kits?" | TalkBack on ZDNet: "Wow
For someone just being hired into the tech industry, but having been a geek since I was old enough to sit on a chair and play with my dad's IBM XT, the revolutionary nature of ODF and what it means for my, my organization, and the tech world at large is something to wow at. I've seen revolutions like these before from the outside, when they are already started, such as HTML/the web and advertising-supported internet related content, but I've never been a part of it from before it really took off.

The only question I have is, would anyone care to make a timeframe estimate for when this technology is going to explode into its true potential? I want to start using it, and to be able to convince my employers to use it, but when am I going to be able to convert my MS documents to ODF? When am I going to be able to open any formatted text document with my copy of OpenOffice? When when when?

I can't wait."


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