Thursday, February 15, 2007

Google is under legal attack by the E.U. - MarketWatch

I bet that the appeal from Google will win ultimately, because this is just to ridiculous to pass through a court. It has nothing to do with protecting the francophone languages and culture because Google has an interface in French and index French and Belgian newspapers/libraries as much as they want in French. It has nothing to do with copyright infringement as long as they don't cache (they don't). This is just about coming late to the search business and see that they have lost. This is just to fantastic, there is no lock-ins in the search engine market, still they want to use the court to harass the companies. I see nothing support from nongovernmental groups in support of the publishers, nobody except corrupted politicians and search hungry publishers.

John Dvorak second opinion is always one of the best comments to the market:

Google is under legal attack by the E.U. - MarketWatch: "This legal action is so fishy that the U.S. government should take this up with the World Trade Organization regarding unfair trade practices, and feed the E.U. some of its own medicine."

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