Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Web 2.0 "no going back"

Today I opened up my Google Reader, found last news from the Peter Suber Blog, Then I clicked on the Open Repositories 2007 conference link and found a page and a Flickr photoset from the conference. After that I read the article “Latest News”: EPrints Meets Web 2.0 and then clicked on the Eprint statistics page and find out from wich country people had downloaded this article, how many abstract and full text views that had happened. I clicked on some other articles, and found the integration of Google Scholar to the citations in them by clicking on "SEEK" in the reference list. (it was not working this time). Anyway, this is a good example on how mashups and mixing is functioning. I have been using around 10 different web 2.0 services about a topic I was interested in. Bill Thompson wrote earlier today in the BBC News this:

But Yahoo! has given us a glimpse of the networked future, where the world's information is not only at our fingertips, but available to be mixed, mashed and filtered on demand, giving us what we want, when we want it - and from wherever we can get it. There will be no going back.

I agree, this services is simply so useful that "There will no going back.

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