Monday, May 16, 2005

Green Light for Open Source in Schools | eGov monitor

Green Light for Open Source in Schools | eGov monitor: "New government report gives significant boost to open source movement

UK schools should 'seriously consider' switching from proprietary software to open source alternatives because of the 'obvious' cost savings on offer, says the Government's lead agency for ICT in schools.

Research published by Becta on 13 May concludes that in nearly all cases, schools moving to open source software reduced the total cost of ownership per PC significantly.

The highly-anticipated report, based on a study of 15 schools, shows that by using OSS, primary schools halved their costs. The relative cost per PC at secondary school level was 20 per cent less than that of schools running commercial software.

Also, support costs in schools using open source were on average 50 to 60 per cent of those of their non-OSS counterparts."

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