Friday, July 29, 2005

Why use Open Source when Microsoft products are so cheap...? | Webjunk

Why use Open Source when Microsoft products are so cheap...? | Webjunk: "Firstly, they need a copy of the software they use at school, obtainable in only two ways: Legally or illegally. Microsoft has cleverly made available an 'Educational Version' of their Office pack, obtainable for about 1/4 of the cost of the commercial package, for the students to do their homework. The price of this 1/4 pack is still prohitive for many users, who then choose to get a pirated copy or miss out on the computer based homework option. This 1/4 priced solution is also 'off-limits' for mum to do her business correspondance, even though she owns the computer it is installed on. She'll have to fork out the money for the full version (which, luckily enough, her kids can use for homework as well ;-)"

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