Saturday, September 24, 2005

BetaNews | Mass. Finalizes Plan to Drop MS Office

BetaNews | Mass. Finalizes Plan to Drop MS Office: "There's a bit of a recurring misconception here that Microsoft is encouraging the media to spread.

Firstly, the plan is plainly NOT primarily about 'cost', but (as the recordings and transcripts of the recent meeting make clear) rather about 'soveriegnty' (that is, the state's data belongs to the STATE and its citizens, not Microsoft Corporation or any other entity.). The focus is on ensuring that the state's data is in a format that is completely and openly documented, is readily implementable by anyone without restrictions (Microsoft carefully crafted their 'patent' license for their data format in a manner designed to forbid 'GPL'-licensed software from being able to agree to the terms), and is of a standard that is not under exclusive control of a single entity.

'Microsoft' has not, by any means, been locked out. They need only support the OASIS format in their 'Office' suite to remain in consideration"

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