Thursday, August 18, 2005

Leader: Microsoft and Linux must co-exist - Operating Systems - Breaking Business and Technology News at

Leader: Microsoft and Linux must co-exist - Operating Systems - Breaking Business and Technology News at "Of course there is a whiff of 'man bites dog' about any story that involves companies replacing Linux with Microsoft, simply because there seems to be such a general shift towards open source, especially in the public sector."

The new paradigma seems to be: Microsoft and Linux must co-exist. OK. But I doubt many business will continue to pay Microsoft for licenses it the majority of the public sector becomes open source because then the interoperatibility problems will become Microsofts enemy instead of friend. "Old Microsoft" want to catch as many as possible with "trusted computing" before they milk the cow for the last time. The "New Microsoft" will then continue into something other kind of software production, and the "Old" will just become much smaller.

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