Sunday, August 14, 2005

Sun Wah

: "Sun Wah Linux has announced to launch the new release of RAYS ES, the new-generation server OS.RAYS ES is the first Chinese commercial OS that is based on the Debian Package Management System. It integrates with the most advanced technologies in the Linux industry today: The most advanced Linux kernel, the Debian-based software package management mechanism, the enhanced ACL system, and the convenient on-line upgrade features complete with a host of server functions to satisfy the needs of enterprises.

RAYS ES provides easy-to-use graphic configuration tools to reduce the efforts required in the simplification of the platform infrastructure layout. By building simplicity, automation and flexibility into the entire IT environment, users are able to achieve fundamental layouts, management convenience, and cost reductions. Software can be updated quickly, allocation of IT resources can be adjusted at any moment, system down times can be minimized, and an overall lower than budget cost can be attained, which means enterprises can save more and reallocate resource into other core areas of their business."

Sun Wah (sun rays) is a member of the Debian Common Core Alliance:

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