Friday, August 05, 2005 Index Index: "15/07/2005: Patents: Attack Plan B

No it's not all over. The EU patent directive may be dead but the next scheme from our beloved friends in the EU lurks in the 'Directive on the enforcement of intellectual property rights (2004/48EC)'. While this has some good points like enforcing copyright more strongly, so we can go and sue all the companies ilegally using Linux code, it also does so blindly and seeks to make patent violation or even 'incitement' a criminal matter. Given the murky confused mess that the EU patent system is in, due to the total failure to regulate the EPO, this would be an even worse recipe for holding small companies to ransom than just software patents. Combine it with the EU arrest warrant and a university lecturer who inadvertently set a problem involving a claimed patent (invalid or otherwise) could find themselves extradited to Greece, Lithuania, who knows where for a criminal trial."

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