Thursday, August 04, 2005

OSDL's Weinberg: Open source is a 'velvet' revolution

OSDL's Weinberg: Open source is a 'velvet' revolution: "What are the three top things that CIOs should know about open source software and the open source movement today?

Weinberg: One -- Linux and OSS are enterprise-ready: Leading systems and platform providers, thousands of independent software vendors and a global community of developers and integrators place Linux and OSS on a par and ahead of legacy proprietary platforms and applications.

Two -- The combination of open source and COTS [commercial-off-the-shelf] hardware offers lower cost-of-ownership and return-on-investment that proprietary s/w and hardware don't offer.

Three -- Linux and open source offer more than lower cost; they free companies from dependence on single suppliers and expand the ecosystem of solutions."

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